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Conspiracy Theorist

Children trying to be edgy by saying different than what a majority of people are saying. Usually they try to sound smart by making up bullshit.

Conspiracy Theorist :Obama is actually an alien from the planet Xneorb who is going to attack Mexico on August 12th 2011. I have no proof to back this up so I'm just going call anyone who disagrees with me an ignorant sheep.

by Lunarlamb June 28, 2011

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conspiracy theorist

Derived by the government as double speak to use to discredit truth sayers.
Conspiracy: plotting in secret
Theory: a 98% likelihood deemed by peer review of a hypothesis after trials.

Used a for its opposite meaning, this double speak term is alludes to greater attack on the targets validity of all thought while no proof is shown.

I.e. alex jones whose been correct in 2018 about the bioloical epidemics UN stated would be unleashed to create a global police state is just a conspiracy theory.

As we see here AJ was right, but this term is used to insinuate it as a myth

If they find proof of your plotting of a crime just call them a conspiracy theorist and low power people will accept this as they do referring to it as trivial.

by cheezychi July 25, 2021

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Conspiracy Theorist

Pseudo intellectuals who say what the minority of people say to appear as smart.

Conspiracy theorist: The earth is flat! NASA's a lie. Covid is a plandemic, science is a hoax! Wake up sheeple!

by Jeffy Jeffy who lives on Jeffy May 25, 2021

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Conspiracy Theorist

A phrase made up and used as a buzzword by shady people such as left wing radicals or government officials in order to signal their supporters and followers to doubt, disbelieve, discredit, distrust, ignore, silence and slander witnesses that call them out for their dishonest, shady dark agendas.

Anybody who says that co-vid was create in a lab is a Conspiracy Theorist and shouldn't be taken seriously

by CT Mason March 17, 2023

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Conspiracy Theorist

A highly intelligent and insightful person ridiculed by non-critically thinking NPCs, Karens and the woke mob but is subsequently proven to be right.
Good examples where Conspiracy theorists were proven to be right are man made global warming being a sham, Covid being a sham, the virus being relatively harmless if it even exists and the MRNA jab being ineffective and lethal, killing and/or making sick millions worldwide, the Deep state's plan for a Communist world government dystopia etc.

The Conspiracy theorists were right about everything.

by Azzamandias72 April 26, 2023

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Conspiracy Theorist

In 1967, the CIA coined the derogatory label "Conspiracy Theorist" to attack truthsayers and whistleblowers who challenge the "official" narrative of the powers to be. This term is usually associated by the mass media to shills with tin foil hats who talk about little green aliens, lizards, supernatural, and other obvious absurdities in order to discredit real truthsayers and whistleblowers who are able to expose real conspiracies conceived by real corrupted people all over the world.

A conspiracy theorist is a shill who wears a tin foil hat and talks about inane absurdities.

by Ubermesch December 9, 2016

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Conspiracy Theorist

A conspiracy theorist is someone who is 1 week to 20 years ahead of the curve.

Sam, "The teacher called George a conspiracy theorist."

Robert, " Nah, he's just 6 months ahead of the curve. We'll see soon that the teacher is downright wrong."

by April 30, 2022

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