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Cowboy Bebop

A pretty good anime series that was mutilated by Cartoon Network, even though they were nice enough to not cut out the blood, gore, death scenes, dead prople, and most of the profanity. Unfortunately for those of us who want something new, Cartoon Stagnate even makes sure we never miss a single episode of Bebop by repeating it over and over and OVER AND OVER AND FUCKING OVER AGAIN!!! AAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!

Soon I will have my cable company permanently block Cartoon Network from my TV listing thanks to repeats of Bebop and other poorly-translated, censored anime shows.

by AYB May 17, 2003

22๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cowboy Bebop

worst anime

cowboy bebop

by bollshoot February 25, 2021

2๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Japanese animation made in 1998 by Sunrise and Bandai Visual. Highly popular in the United States via Cartoon Network's Adult Swim late night program for its excellent combination of story, characters, visuals, and soundtrack.

Basically a line of 26 "stand-alone" episodes loosely linked by an underlying story based on the characters' pasts, and mainly about their bounty-hunting adventures throughout the solar system in 2071 A.D. Good inclusion of humor also added.

Characters: (The 4 main)

Spike Spiegel:
Former gangster (of the Martian "Red Dragon" Chinese Mafia) and Jet Black's partner. Pilots his Swordfish II MONO fighter, has green fuzzy hair, smokes. Also hates kids, animals, and women with attitude.(Corresponding characters below)

Jet Black:
Former I.S.S.P. (Inter Solar System Police) member who lost his left arm in a past incident and owner of both the BEBOP ship and his MONO combat ship the Hammerhead. Is real old-fashioned and quite a man of morals. Smokes too.

Faye Valentine:
A heavy gambling woman who appears young (through cryogenic hibernation) but is actually older than she looks, and is in serious debt to the hospital that suspended her. Has amnesia from an accident in her past, and is very irritable. Also a smoker.

Ed(Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV):
The crazy, eccentric, yet brilliant all at the same time hacker from Earth. Claims to be 13 and is often confused for a boy. Built and named her own computer "Tomato". Is the only non-smoker beside the unique dog Ein.

A good mix of 2-D animation and at times 3-D CGI(Computer Graphic Imagery) to provide the visually stunning sci-fi action.

Perhaps the best backdrop for the entire series. With music composed by reknowned composer Yoko Kanno, her expertise in the American fields of jazz and blues and performed by the SEATBELTS and various other artists, Cowboy Bebop is among the best in the combination of these elements.

In my personal opinion, I respect it as an art form which takes into consideration great multicultural and respected influences (maybe except for the booze and smoke)to add to its satisfying entertainment.

For starters, watch the first episode of COWBOY BEBOP "Asteroid Blues" either on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim (USA) or on DVD.

by AsianAmericanAnimationAppreciator October 20, 2007

78๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

cowboy bebop

the greatest anime ever created! Spike is the man and viscious is a fucking lunatic! But the designs, music, and the action are perfectly blended to show superiority over all others! Cartoon Network went and pissed me off wen they started showing it because every anime they show is mutilated. (see dragonball z)

All i have to say is...BALLAD OF FALLEN ANGELS...

by bboy blinx August 30, 2004

61๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cowboy bebop

An anime which revolves around the inevitable death of its co-main character spike spiegel .

Though really it is a very cool anime that is definitely worth your time.

It also has credit of being one of the first amines to penetrate the western market.

Person A: Did you watch Cowboy bebop?

Person B: Yeah it was really good thanks for the recommendation.

by a_nice_guy May 29, 2016

4๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

cowboy bebop

its a weird anime from japan that has flaws but is still recognized as one the greatest animes of all time next to cowboy bebop plus
the ending is so ambigous it defines the term WTF?

Cowboy Bebop

by wolf david February 28, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cowboy Bebop

Peak fiction, the best anime ong frfr

Cowboy Bebop is the best fuckin anime ever, bro

by c4shs March 28, 2022