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one of the most physically challenging sports around, and equally misunderstood. To participate in crew, one becomes a rower or a coxswain. A rower will propell a 60 ft 8 man boat at speeds from 10 miles per hour to 15 miles per hour, for distances ranging from 2000-6000 meters. Contrary to popular belief, crew is not an upperbody sport, rowing is an intense workout for all muscles, but mainly legs. For people who partake in crew they understand just how physically and mentally challenging it is to move a boat fast, while keeping it set. And people who say it's easy obviously haven't tried it, and just assume it's easy. Most rowers are unfortunately considered preps, due to the large amount of money it takes to purchase and maintain a racing shell. It is in no way shape or form an easy sport, but if you were to ask any rower about it, you will find that despite the difficult amount of work, these people wouldn't have it any other way.

Common Rowing mantras:

"I can't, I have crew"

"A rower does more before dawn then most do all day"

"Rowing only looks easy"

"No one knows what pain is, unless they have sprinted that last 500 meters"

by Tim Deezy October 10, 2006

365๐Ÿ‘ 145๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sport where you abuse your mind and body in the morning, mid day, and afternoon. It's not uncommon to find a rower keeled over and vomiting after a session on the ergometer.

Synonymous with torture.

Person A: Crew fucking sucks.
Person B: Don't you do crew?
Person A: What of it?

by Will V L January 17, 2008

61๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


Sport of the real athletes. Rowers are INSANE. Only kids that do crew would get up in the cold, dark rainy weather to move and row boats for four hours. After moving the heavy boats we have to get into nothing but spandex and a rowing shirt on the 28 degree water with the wind hitting our backs and get yelled at by an angry short person. We spend more time with our team that our families, we have accepted the term cult.


I can't. I have crew.

Crew is like crack. It interferes with your sleep. It destroys your body. It introduces you to totally weird people. It's expensive. It takes you away from the real world and into a fantasy land. You start doing it way too much, as you build up a tolerance. You can't stop. You love it, but you know that you shouldn't. You stick with it, because you have this bizzare idea that life would just not be the same without it.

by crewgirl2 November 18, 2010

76๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


Crew is the most difficult, demanding, and rewarding sport there is. People say it is not a sport because they are giant idiots and dont understand what they are talking about. Crew is for the mentally and physically tough, godlike in fact and if you are not godlike you should just stay away because you will not be able to handle the pain and end up quitting. Thats crew for ya!

A: Holy shit this is a hard practice. I am exhausted and I cant feel my legs.

B: To bad we are only done with half of the set.

A: Man I love Crew!

by Rowing Champ March 22, 2010

39๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the hardest most demanding sports that takes all your time and energy, and even though you may hate it with the passion of 100 million suns, you continue to do anyways.

A sport that causes friends, who do not row, of the athletes who participate in crew to want to slap the rower's face for complaining about how hard crew is than when they suggest they quit, just stare blankly back as if they are thinking, but thats not even a possibility.

This sport sucks, but will get you a great body, some great friends, into a good college, but otherwise it ruins your life.

Sport that elicits excessive muffin, bagel, and pasta consumption.

Rowers are hungry ALL THE TIME!!!

Rowers know --to erg= to kill yourself repeatedly

Rower: I hate crew, im so tired all the time, my grades suck and it sucks.
Non-rowing friend of rower: If you hate it s much, why don't you quit?
Rower: **Blank stare**

"muffin muffin muffin"

I just erged a 2K and i PR'd but it feels like my throat is bleeding

by Wildcat Crew Rower May 10, 2009

81๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


Gang, set.

Fuck you and your crew.

by nokianinja October 8, 2002

796๐Ÿ‘ 344๐Ÿ‘Ž


An uncommon, but physically and mentally demanding sport, where the rowers are more jacked than the largest football players.

Person 1: "That quarterback is pretty hot."
Person 2: "But not as hot as all the rowers who do Crew."
Person 1: "Agreed"

by 1603732 May 9, 2010

32๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž