ur mom: hey wanna have sex
you: sure
ur mom: what is your dick size
you: 2 inches
ur mom: that's tiny af
Hym "Like, it isn't 'brave' for him to talk about if he's got a big-fat-cock. Really! How is that- Oh wait, it's not reality. Ha! THAT is what we can learn from this. The Christians/Jews will spend an UNLIMITED AMOUNT OF MAN-HOURS to erase anyone who makes a compelling argument against their incest/suffering cult and have likely threatened anyone who would allow me to succeed into silence. What they don't know is this: THEY WON'T ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO ENFORCE ANY FORM OF RETALIATION AGAINST ME. They won't be able to come after your because to come after you they would have to admit they are doing what they are doing.... Which is an INSANE THING TO DO TO A GUY. They're fucking not jobs. They're not going to sue anybody. They aren't going to be able to destroy your career. Because they will be in a cage. That is what THIS is trying to avoid. People who are ✌️✊️✌️Too important to fail✌️✊️✌️ are going to go into a cage. One of them is probably a kike. He WILL flee to Israel. Jordan Peterson is probably already there. He's got his return-ticket in his back pocket at all times. He is their apologetics champion and they will defend him with their lives... Which is the opposite of how champions are supposed to work but whatever man. Everything's gravy. But Charlemagne's dick size is not a brave thing for Charlemagne to write about if his cock is fat. Nobody is running around berating people for having a fat cock."