EA (Electronic Arts) is a massive monopoly gaming industry that is set out to buy every other gaming industries and make shitty games.
Person 1: Whats the difference between EA and John D. Rockefeller?
Person 2: What.
Person 1: NOTHING
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A company that destroyed a lot of good games.Plants Vs Zombies is my favourite tower-defense game.When Plants Vs Zombies 2 came out, I was so excited and played it but after 5 levels, I knew that EA was just mocking on me at this point. It is like EA saying "Hey dude, buy our shits to win this level or you can go fuck your self because we will make you lose no matter what if u didn't even spend a penny on our shits."
EA stands for Eternal Assholes.
Short for "Electronic Arts." A corporation whose sole purpose is to make as much money as possible. Also maker of Origin, a stupid game client. Releases their bullshit games unfinished, and then forces gamers to pay for DLC and updates that do jack shit to fix the game. If you try and complain, you are banned. The help support is worse than Comcast's. Has killed many good game developers.
EA has won the award for Worst Company in America TWICE in a row. Meaning TWO golden turds. And yet they STILL don't get it. Wow.
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EA-Noun/Swear. Used to insult gamers everywhere, A corperation that has all copyrights to anything having to Hell and the devil
<EA Slave>Furhur! People are protesting our evil ways!
<Furhur>Call up Satan to smite them all!
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To promise someone a somethin of very High Quality, and then proceed to fuck them in the ass.
"Man, that girl totally EA'd me. She was promising me some of dat sweet booty all night, and then when i took her back to my place, she just pulled out a dragon dildo and fucked me.
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Short for "Electronic Assholes"
EA: Makes Starwars Battlefront and rips off players
Result: Stocks drop and now the whole world hates them
EA: Shocked Pikachu Face
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EA if it was a flight company priority 1: your wallet. priority 2: your safety