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An atheist who feel that they are better than everybody else, so they will go and troll places to make religious people feel like shit. An atheist who is like this is probably some pathetic, rebellious nerdy no-friends teenager.

John the Christian: I believe in god.
Steve the Atheist Elitist: Haha! You believe in God! Haha! You're such a fag! God isnt real! You still believe in Santa and the Easter bunny too, little boy? Haha! Retard!
Me (also an atheist0: Shut the fuck up.

by Atheist who isnt a dick. March 20, 2011

53πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


( American definition) Anyone who got where they are in life purely on intellectual capabilities. Anyone who insists on high academic standards, demands proof of theories or scientifically substantiated proposals. Anyone who entered the Ivies, MIT, Stanford or Caltech based on actual academic merit. Anyone who can develop a cogent, original analysis on a subject from a wide range credible factual or historical sources.

Obama is such an Elitist, he wants to check the rethugs' math.

by zztop February 6, 2010

42πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


Indie fans who think that the only "good" music is by obscure bands no one has ever heard of.

We are elitists because we think The Sufjasmithists are the most innovative band in recent history, and anyone who likes The Killers is a retarded idiot who has no taste.

by iLx. January 8, 2007

90πŸ‘ 112πŸ‘Ž


Someone who tries to tell you that there are more nerves in your brain than in your gut, just because of something they found in a book, even though your gut's telling you they're wrong. Anyone who gets that reference gets a cookie.

Person 1:That guy's an elitist. He just tried to tell me *insert fact here* when really it's *insert bias opinion here*
Elitist:But *repeat fact* is true. Look here *opens book*
Person 1:ELITIST!!!! 3L337157!!!!!

by PossumCuber November 2, 2009

31πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


A person who suspects that maybe, just MAYBE, there is something higher or better in the universe than the way most people live..... and is not bashful about assuming ownership of this suspicion.

A person who finds it hard to live by the principle of "go along to get along".

This may sound scandalous, but "elitism", in one form or another is the only thing that makes it possible for the human race to transcend itself and grow toward a superior state of existence.

Elitism's an unpopular job, but someone's gotta do it, eh?

The word "elite", in French, means "elected".

Knowledge of French is always a dead giveaway that the person is an elitist, n'est-ce pas? (Blague!!)

by fidelbogen September 12, 2004

126πŸ‘ 183πŸ‘Ž


A huge faggot who thinks he's better and more witty than everyone else; Bright Eyes.

Bright Eyes is an elitist who is 26 years old working for Victoria's Secret, making him extremely gay.

by StreetDreamz September 22, 2008

50πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž


On the contrary to popular belief, an elitist is a intellectually advanced individual who is driven by the dimwits and numb-skulls who antagonize his knowledge, he learns important philosophical facts to prove his intellect. The numb-skulls continue argument with the elitist because they themselves are narcissistic and egocentric. An elitist is philosophically advanced and can read a person like an open book by asking only a few questions, they scan their friends vigorously to search for their personality, so they themselves can have confidence through the numbskulls that challenge their knowledge. Elitists are seen as cold and aloof only to the people to ignorant to realize their own belligerence or false beliefs that the elitists only try to correct.

The INTJ or the critically but falsely acclaimed elitist, is only looking into his own beliefs, his ego is placed in them. So the emotionally retarded who attack that person for his beliefs is the same belligerent and arrogant fuck that many have previously thought as an elitist.
The previous definition of elitist belongs in ego-centrism, which is a personality trait that everyone contains since it is by definition a feeling of importance in oneself.
If the person is being attacked for the way they are, there’s much more damage being done then that is perceived.

-Normal individual-
Wife: Why were you looking at that girl?
Husband: She was hot?
Wife: And I'm not? Why did you not look at me?
Husband: Please dont make this into a big thing, you know I love you.
Wife: But your looking at her?
(Wife babbles on about how it hurt her self esteem. Husband and wife continue feeling crappy)
Wife: Why were you looking out

Elitist Husband (knowing her hurt self esteem): I love you and looking at some girl in a random place will never change that. Megan Fox is hot, but she's not the girl I love. If you weren't beautiful, i would've never fallen in love with you, and if you weren't near the perfect person for me, i wouldn't marry you.
Wife: lets have sex. (dramatics intended but you get the point)

by therealelitist February 16, 2011

38πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž