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A University in North Carolina that is home to hot girls, crazy parties and mostly good people. You will drink all the time here. And you will also pass all your classes as they are as easy as taking kindergarden at 30.

Most of the chicks already have boyfriends or are not interested in your punk ass.
There are an extremely high number of gays at Elon. Just when you thought you knew, your bottom hurts the next morning.
The Fraternities and Sororities are the shit, but then again, what isn't at Elon?
Beware: It is (or will) become full of preppy, rich northerners who pay FULL tuition and then argue they can't put gas in there Mercedes.
Everyone has a Mac, gels there hair and has no idea about Burlington, the town full of poor folk next door.
Smith Jackson is a legend with his sexual invasion emails
Elon football is surprisingly good, even if they are half brain dead when it comes to academics.
There are way to many fountains that cost ungodly sums of money just to advance the country club look and feel of Elon.
A car is ESSENTIAL here.
Avoid ALE at all costs: they will fuck you.

Hey, you going to Elon?
Hell yeah, its easy as hell, has easy access to liquor and full of chicks! where are you going to school?
An all boys college
...you queer.

by Tubs Mcgee March 5, 2008

60πŸ‘ 147πŸ‘Ž


Guy with a big forehead thinks he has lots of friends but in reality two don’t really count as a lot

Man I think he’s an Elon

by Towelboy223 December 4, 2017

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Elon Musk

Dumbest mother fucker alive.

"Wow, thats elon musk! he really is the dumbest fucker alive!"

by dollsgrave July 2, 2023

480πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

Elon Muskrat

Elon Musk's favorite pet, along with the Elon Mosquito. It owns a Elon Musket and can only be seen at Elon Dusk.

Yo, dude. You see that Elon Muskrat over there?


by BigoofMax February 27, 2019

elon crust

Elon Crust is one of the 4 major bread gods. He controls the crusty area outside of the bread's center. The other 3 gods and Vladimir Gluten, Mr. Yeast, and Toast Malone.

Pray to Elon Crust as you inevitable death falls upon you.

by frankbeans January 2, 2020

Elon Musk

A con-artist with a serious breed kink. Steals money from investigators while cheating with their wife.

Elon Musk: "I'll colonize mars, I promise because I'm genius, so give me your money and let me have a sex with your wife!"

by RTaD6502 August 1, 2022

367πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

Elon Musk

Phony Stark

Elon Musk is a conman, unlike Iron Man.

by iotbw November 18, 2022

286πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž