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Flow Chart

A graphic presentation using symbols to show the step-by-step sequence of operations, activities, or procedures.

Your flarts stink; they lack sufficient detail.

by lostcartographer May 13, 2008

70👍 34👎


The act of simultaneously farting whilst flirting.

"Oh man, Zac was flarting last night wasn't he?"
"Yeah. He smelled like shit".

by flarting April 30, 2014

10👍 3👎


Verb - to passive agressively stomp around / slam things when you are mad at your significant other

My girl is flarting around because she's mad I am watching something she doesn't want to watch.

by An defghijklm April 1, 2020


Verb; the act of bothering someone.

People who think that every word is an inappropriate word are definently flarting me.

by !meepit November 24, 2008

15👍 12👎


The past tense meaning when a young girl or woman flirts to a guy and farted.

That girl just flarted dude !

by Kayes21 April 15, 2015

4👍 2👎


An anal indiscretion (i.e., butt-trumpet toot) that inadvertently slips out while you’re in the middle of playfully expressing romantic interest in someone. Depending on who you talk to, this intensely-humiliating occurrence (especially if it’s exceedingly loud and/or odiferous) can be either a turn-off or an advantage
 while it’s certainly true that many individuals are indeed totally grossed out by any and all sphincter-splutters (no matter how “perfect” or “melodious” they happen to be!), some others --- especially slightly-crude-natured guys --- actually **enjoy** a good “rip-snorter”, and so their knowing that you are capable of occasionally producing such “priceless auditory gems” can actually be an attraction for them. Plus of course, this event can also be somewhat of an “acid test” for determining the other person’s true level of overall tolerance and understanding towards fellow humans
 if he just casually “smiles ‘n’ shrugs” in response to your whizpopper, this is a good sign that not only will he be easy-going about this and any other fairly-minor bodily-malfunctions of yours, but he probably also doesn’t “sweat the small stuff” in other areas of his life, as well, and thus he may make a good compatible partner “over the long haul”.

I wouldn’t wish a flart on anyone, but it can be useful in learning how sensitive and forgiving your prospective partner is regarding trivial matters.

by QuacksO September 3, 2018


To fart on an airplane.

(on a plane) Damn, did that guy just flart?

by March 24, 2022