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The flashbang is when you go down on someone after eating some spicy food and it sets her/his va-jj/cock on fire. This is sometimes done by accident after drunken encounter at Buffalo Wild Wings but can also be done intentionally by filling your mouth with hotsauce if your eating a dick/pussy you don't want to eat again.

Medic: How can I help you today young man?

Pvt Dicks: My goddamn dick sausage is on fucking fire doc, I can't take it!

Medic: Oh my god... You've been flashbanged son! Nurse I'm going to need a bag of ice, a bottle of Jergens and a copy of Backdoor Hussies 3, stat!

by Poodle-Slayer Kitten-Rider March 11, 2016

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A flash bang is when your about to bust a nut while your getting head and you hit the girls ears with both your hands and then bust in her ears so at the end she cant hear or see just like a real flash bang.

I flashbanged my girlfriend last night.

by chad433 June 30, 2008

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When a female flashes her titties and fucks you.

"Rip the homie Abraham, he got flashbanged by that thot."

by Imakebeans July 26, 2020

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Everyone whos been in a relationship knows how every girl has to have their "girl time". Well for all of you who want to end the relationship with a "BANG" will want to give this one a shot.

Next time your girl goes and has her girl time with all her little slutty friends, you gather up all your bros, go to your girls house, and then infiltrate inside and yell FLASHBANG and a big massive rape fiesta begins. And if you want to make it more interesting you can see who the first one is to plant his seed, consider it a race perhaps.

1.) Ah Jerry you son of a bitch! We owe you for inviting us to your flashbang lastnight! *A big happy 6-way highfive emits from everyone present*

2.) My boyfriend and his friends flashbanged us last night... I can't say it didn't prove a point...

by Dwayne Delaney March 13, 2010

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When a girl is giving you a blowjob and you pull your dick out of her mouth at the last second and cum in her eyes and slap her ears, resulting in a blinded effect and ringing in her ears.

I gave Suzy a flashbang last night! She got so pissed, but it was worth it!

by mwaaaaaaahm March 30, 2018

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Blinding a girl than you proceed to rape her

Yo dawg I totally flashbanged that thot

by IHAVESMALLPP March 27, 2019

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Getting unexpectedly blinded by something bright such as a flashlight

I just got Flashbanged by that lamp, becareful

by JurassicEels April 3, 2018