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flying monkey

The insertion of a partner's penis into the anal cavity resulting in extreme pleasure.

Mike: So she's sucking me off.
Dan: Yeah.
Mike: And out of nowhere, she flying monkey's me.
Dan: Lucky bastard.
Mike: Yeah.

by <3 February 23, 2003

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Flying Monkey Shits

self explanatory

Those burritos gave me a terminal case of the flying monkey shits...bathroom is quarantined for the next hour!!

by noseed August 28, 2021

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small purple flying monkey

A small-purple-flying monkey is a monkey that eats peoples heads then vomits them up and then regurgitate them back onto their lifeless bodies.


by smallpurpleflyingmonkey August 14, 2015

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FMS (Flying Monkey Syndrome)

When people (usually people of power; bosses, parents, etc) are obviously/blatantly making things/shit up - You can almost see Flying Monkey's coming out of their ass!!

Oh I see Flying Monkey's; and they are coming out of your ass. FMS (Flying Monkey Syndrome)

by mbinsane February 3, 2011

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flying monkey falcon punch

(noun) While engaging in anal sex with a woman, the male inserts either hand into the vagina, and proceeds to vigorously masturbate his own penis through the vaginal/anal membrane.

"Hey mate, you look happy... What happened last night?"

"I delivered a mean flying monkey falcon punch to the MRS last night!"

"Aww... shit yeah bro! High five!"

by ScottyMate February 3, 2017

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Flying monkey's chuff nut

refers to a furry appendage of the simian family, to be used as an expression of indifference or an absence of concern.

i.e. 'I couldn't give a "Flying monkey's chuff nut" what you think'

by pinkcity November 15, 2010

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Purple Flying Monkey Humper

Someone who fornicates with purple flying monkeys. That have orginated from a very bad acid trip.

Dude, I thought I was humping the fuck out of a purple flying monkey last night.

Purple Flying Monkey Humper

by jacksalot July 12, 2009

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