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april foolery

When everyone be like "lol I like you...APRIL FOOLS". Or when everyone makes fake food and pulls lame pranks.... IT JUST WASTES EVERYONE'S TIME.

Me: I'm tired of all this April Foolery, people should grow up.

by Dogeibits April 2, 2017

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tom ass foolery

an extreme case of tomfoolery;absurd nonsense or foolishness;unexplainable stupidity

Guy #1: Did you see the fat moron in the parking lot wearing the Jedi robe the other day?

Guy #2: Yea,I was walking to my car and as I passed him he pulled this gay laser sword on me. I just laughed in his face. What a fucking idiot!

Guy #2: Haha,now that's some tom ass foolery right there.

by Can I have $5? April 10, 2005

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Reckless White Foolery

Anything crazy that a white person does that immediately makes you subconsciously think, "dats dat bullshit I be talkin bout" should be spoken of as "reckless white foolery" or "reckless white TOM foolery" as some say pass the mason dixie line.

When a white person goes out of their way to tell someone speaking another language that they need to speak English. Then give the excuse, because "This is America!" When they are cursed out and proceed to threaten the life of, or to call the police because now they feeling are hurt. Well, sir and or ma'am dats dat bullshit AKA reckless white foolery.

by Tryna Help Harriet March 23, 2022

Thomas Foolery

A gentleman named Thomas Foolery. He has mutton chops and 4 kids with a beautiful wife. He is known for his mischievous ways.

When Thomas Foolery is goofing around, his friends say "Stop with that, Tom Foolery."

by Mooscula February 11, 2022


silly or foolish behavior.

We endured Kenneth's foolery our entire lives.

by BignStrong August 17, 2020


when you do something stupid or acting like a total fool.

nyla: mya is hamilton a state or a town?
mya: shut up lob..saying allat foolery๐Ÿ˜ญ

by mya&nyla May 30, 2019

Reckless White Foolery

The kind of stupid tomfoolery that only white people could ever conceive and act upon.

Her brother knocked 4 mailboxes out of the ground with his body because he and his friends attached a barbie Jeep to a four-wheeler . Itโ€™s some reckless white foolery

by mothmanismybf January 24, 2018