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Adj. Fucking fetch.

OMG that is so futch!!

by Horton hears Me April 13, 2008

3👍 87👎


What happens when you accidentally try to say fuck and bitch at the same time.

"I told that.. futch it..."

by partimusbearius May 19, 2019


Both words combined! F******* and B****!! So if someone is being both just say this word

Ong what a futch

by LEEEEDDDLLEE November 17, 2016


A better word for fuck.

I futched her up the buttch last night.

by Butterboy420 April 30, 2021

Lakynn Futch

A fat dyke.

Hey is that Lakynn clay Futch

Lakynn Futch a dyke

by DhhdbsbsbanJ joeeee December 4, 2019