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Gigi, she is one of the coolest, smartest, sexiest, prettiest, nicest person in the entire universe even with the aliens. She can be funny at times and loveing but also goofy and nerdy but it’s always cute. If you ever find one like the one I personally have seen you will never want to leave her side or be away. She will always be there for you and make you laugh at any time and has a special sexy person that is truly amazing and will always be fun. She is very athletic and dedicated at there sport and nothing will stop them from getting to the top. If you ever find one don’t let them go. She is the most perfect girl I have ever had the pleasure to meet and talk to she is the best kisser and sexiest girl I have ever seen including all those models they ain’t got nothing on her and they never will. I miss her a lot and wish I could be there for the new year cause I really miss her

Gigi is the most perfectly beautiful and smartest person in the world.

by Biiiiggg doooooggg December 30, 2019

5👍 2👎


1.Busy; always has something to do; errands etc.
2.To have that Good good; greenery, kush, vagina, pussy and pills, having things.

1.To not use a government name; not using real name.

1.Ratchett, bust down, bum, money hungry, lazy etc.

Guy #1: "There go Gigi"... brief pause.
Guy #2: "Yea, I need to holla at Gigi"

Guy #1: "See if she got that Good good!"
Guy #2: left... Went to talk to Gigi

Guy #2:"When we gone get up again?"
Gigi:<rushes to car>"I have to go hit me up later", aknowledges Guy #1. "I got you in a bit"

Guy #1:"There Gigi go again mann"

by Gigi Ette January 5, 2013

75👍 78👎


The most smartest and intelligent person in the world. She only gets straight A’s in school. She knows a lot things and has great friends. She’s in the middle of popular and not. But overall, she’s the most amazing person you’ll ever meet. She’s super nice and not afraid to say what comes to her mind.

She’s a super badass super cool. She’s so beautiful and is judgy torwards people sometimes. She makes all the boys want her and all the girls want to be her. Shes that girl who has everything she wants, but deep down she knows she doesn’t. She doesn’t get embarrassed at all and is a great gal. She likes to sing and has an amazing voice, but doesn’t want people to hear. She has many friends, but some only really good ones. She likes to try everything and loves to be outside. She’s not afraid to be herself.

Emily: “wow, look, there goes Gigi!”
Jorgie: “ooooo, I want to be her!”

by Livvy134 February 20, 2019

7👍 3👎


Gigi, she is one of the coolest, smartest, sexiest, prettiest, nicest person in the entire universe even with the aliens. She can be funny at times and loveing but also goofy and nerdy but it’s always cute. If you ever find one like the one I personally have seen you will never want to leave her side or be away. She will always be there for you and make you laugh at any time and has a special sexy person that is truly amazing and will always be fun. She is very athletic and dedicated at there sport and nothing will stop them from getting to the top. If you ever find one don’t let them go because she is the best girl I have bet had the pleasure to meet and even talk to I am the luckiest guys in the world to be called her bf. They are also best kissers and definitely the sexiest girls in the world including all those models they ain’t got nothing on her she is great and I miss her a lot

Gigi is the most perfectly beautiful and smartest person in the world.

by Biiiiggg doooooggg December 30, 2019

4👍 1👎


A Pansexual that everyone thinks is a lesbian. Even her mom

Friend 1: Yo are you a lesbian?
Mother: Yes she is
Gigi: No I'm pansexual

Friend 1 and Mother: Cap

by Lame boys February 6, 2021

3👍 1👎


He is very attractive to girls. They love his hair, and his cock. Girls with either big personalities , boobs or butts are attracted to him. He is a scooter kid

He is a Gigi

by Freza_Mgm_69 June 3, 2019

7👍 3👎


Gigi is a nickname given to only the best people in the world. Most commonly, the name is given to a woman whos name starts with a G, but when the name is given to a grandmother by her granddaughter, its given with love and trust beyond comprehension. Gigis are more than just grandmothers, they're best friends, and something to cherish until the end of time.

Person 1: Is that your grandma?
Persom 2: No, thats my Gigi

by Dustys_Spaghett October 21, 2019

6👍 3👎