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Love Lathers

When making love, the combination of liquids secreted from the bodies of both parties. Meant to be rubbed and massaged into the skin.

Do you mind if I store some of our love lathers for later?

by Eccentric walrus September 20, 2019

Skittle Lather

The act of shoving a shampoo bottle up your girlfriends ass squeezing it, and telling her to taste the rainbow!

I took a shower with my girl and skittle lathered her she said WTF!

by Wavves77 July 2, 2010

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lad lather

(see boy butter, man goo, guy gravy, dude drippings, cock snot, meat mayo)

After a night of passionate love making, Barry blew his hot lad lather on Rachel's back.

by JP the literary genius August 12, 2004

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Lathered up

The point reached where one is extremely intoxicated from consuming copious amounts of alcohol.

1- Did Ryan just pee on that door?
2- Yeah he did, so what?
1- He must've been pretty lathered up.

by theshizz55 January 12, 2013

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Lather Effect

(n.) or (v.)
The effect of not being able to get drunk because of a high-state of trashedness the night before.

If you have been highly wasted one night, and try to get inebriated the next night it will cost you a fortune because it's nearly impossible.

The term comes from trying to lather a loufah, but it will not lather if there is still soap in it from the day before.

"I got so throwed on Thursday night there's no way I can get drunk tonight, you know...lather effect."

Dude 1: "You've had like 7 drinks and you're still a freakin intellect"

Dude 2: "Lather Effect, I had a crazy night last night."

by travi d. March 29, 2009

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Lathered Up

1) verb. to cover onesself with soap in an alarmingly sexy manner.

2) verb. to begin the process of getting very drunk, traditionaly at a pub or other favoured establishment.


1) "Dude, check out Ella Janes on webcam, shes getting lathered up and its proper hot!"

2) "Man, this band are going to be lame, we should totally get lathered up down the Old Goalhouse"

by Liberté-égalité-fraternité May 13, 2009

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Lathering Your Crunchies

The act of using your spoon to repeatedly dunk and mix the un-moistened cereal pieces in the milk.

I see you're Lathering Your Crunchies, nice.

by WireableCarrot October 20, 2016