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The phenomenon that leads to the belief in the worse of the worst in the political make up of the globe. A marxist-sociopath is the worse of the worst of five "forms" of government. 1) Marxism/Communism; 2) Fascism; 3) Socialism; 4) Black Liberation Theology; 5) Social Justice.

One may be able to combine them all and one will come up with the following which mean the same thing: liberalism, progressivism. So, what we have come up with is the Marxist-Sociopath. That is an easier way of telling everyone what the current crop of politicians are in any and all of the above five items.

by Snooper1 December 9, 2010

49๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


A neo-marxist is a person who adheres to neo-marxism. Neo-marxism is an offshoot of marxism, in which it is believed that all societal ills come from the divide between the rich (who are claimed to be undeserving of their wealth) and the poor (who are claimed to be oppressed). Marxists believe that all personal failings are of a direct result of someone else oppressing you, and that another person cannot be successful without oppressing another.

Neo-marxism differs from marxism by abandoning the dichotomy of rich vs poor and instead adopt identity politics. Instead of the dichotomy being between wealthy and poor, it is between successful and unsuccessful demographics. Neo-marxists divide all demographics (white, black, asian, male, female, gay, straight, etc) and place them in a hierarchy of oppression as determined by how successful that demographic is. White and Asian men are at the bottom of this hierarchy, whereas blacks and females are near the top (although the exact order is not widely accepted).

Neo-marxists believe that successful demographics are only successful because they exploit the less successful demographics, and as such believe that the more successful demographics (i.e the 'rich' of classical marxism) should be punished in some way, and what they have should be given to the less successful demographics. Typically this involves giving these demographics money, positions, and political influence simply for being a member of a "oppressed" demographic.

Neo-marxist: "White men are evil and oppressive! We need to remove them from society!"

by Phoenix797 August 5, 2018

217๐Ÿ‘ 138๐Ÿ‘Ž

Limousine Marxist

The Limousine Marxist is a far left politician or individual that advocates they are the savior of the poor and underprivileged, yet they ride around in limousines and take advantage of the corporate luxuries that their capitalist society so graciously provides them with.

The Limousine Marxist's voting record and ideas are often in line with Marxist ideas. The stunning hypocrisy in their lifestyle versus what they advocate never even crosses their mind.

They strive to put forth their ideas of oppression and radical Marxism to gain power and wealth, all at the expense of the people, although the people are told they will benefit greatly from the social programs that will cost them trillions in tax dollars. This also falls perfectly in line with the big government regulation and control.

The Limousine Marxist advocates government regulation and control far beyond what is necessary for economic sustainability. They'll tax businesses into the ground that make profits beyond what they deem is 'excessive', they'll tell you what type light bulbs you can put in your house, they'll tell you what type fuel you can run in your vehicle, they'll tell your children what type foods they can eat in school, they'll tell you what type firearm is acceptable under our Constitution, and they'll even go as far as defining when the moment of life begins, despite the science.

The current democratic front runner uses phrases from the communist manifesto in his speeches, but the moderate and youth democratic voters are blinded by the media-glamorized aura of him to see the Limousine Marxist position he stands for.

by wiretap April 23, 2008

420๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Marxist fallacy

Belief that data is science.

Marxist-dogmatists believe that data is science. This is because one datum is a unit of historical materialism.

Data isn't science. Science is data.

In Marxist fallacy, Marxists proffer data as the context for science; so they can position historical materialism as science's overseer.

by zanderfin May 20, 2020

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who wants to commit mass genocide on the bourgeois for their crimes on humanity.

person 1: I am a Marxist-Leninist.
person 2:I am an owner of a 20 billion dollar multinational corporation who has spent millions in lobbying for my agenda.
person 3: (grabs Kalashnikov)

by LiteralyStalin May 13, 2016

100๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž

watermelon marxist

A Marxist posing as an environmentalist who uses environmental arguments to further adoption of communism in free nations. A watermelon marxist is green on the outside and red on the inside.

The Watermelon Marxist contingent (Red on the inside, Green on the outside) was there in force: the Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, the Green Party, the Animal Liberation Front, etc. These are con artists that propose communist solutions to every environmental issue and, when the solutions do not work, they propose more communism.

by A Deplorable January 27, 2021

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Limousine Marxist

The Limousine Marxist is a far left politician or individual that advocates they are the savior of the poor and underprivileged, yet they ride around in limousines and take advantage of the corporate luxuries that their capitalist society so graciously provides them with.

The Limousine Marxist's voting record and ideas are often in line with Marxist ideas. The stunning hypocrisy in their lifestyle versus what they advocate never even crosses their mind.

They strive to put forth their ideas of oppression and radical Marxism to gain power and wealth, all at the expense of the people, although the people are told they will benefit greatly from the social programs that will cost them trillions in tax dollars. This also falls perfectly in line with the big government regulation and control.

The Limousine Marxist advocates government regulation and control far beyond what is necessary for economic sustainability. They'll tax businesses into the ground that make profits beyond what they deem is 'excessive', they'll tell you what type light bulbs you can put in your house, they'll tell you what type fuel you can run in your vehicle, they'll tell your children what type foods they can eat in school, they'll tell you what type firearm is acceptable under our Constitution, and they'll even go as far as defining when the moment of life begins, despite the science.

Barack uses phrases from the communist manifesto in his speeches, but the moderate and youth democratic voters are blinded by the media-glamorized aura of him to see the Limousine Marxist position he stands for.

by wiretap April 22, 2008

123๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž