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Jack McCarthy

To wear a long sleeved t-shirt under a short sleeved t-shirt

I'm not ironing a shirt, I'm a man! I'll just jack mccarthy it tonight which will keep my elbows warm

by tadtheband September 4, 2008

John McCarthy

Famous for such phrases as:
"I smell somthin' spicy, and I wanna eat it!"
"XBOX Live is awesome!"
"MMMM...that was a good Chinese dinner..."

Dude, yesterday I was playin XBOX, and...and...oh shit...someone stole my Ritalin...

by XevasionX May 2, 2005

57๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

McCarthy Acolyte

A supporter of McCarthyism. Inparticular restraints on certain forms of free speech that don't endorse a Hard Conservative view point of the world. Person who uses conspiracy theories, guilt by association, and other smear attacks to damaged the reputation of Professors and other people that's work uses Critical Thinking to analyze Political and Social views.
McCarthy Acolytes tend to abuse the power of Government to suppress political and social view points that they don't like.
They Tend to easily confuse Nationalism with Patriotism.

McCarthy Acolytes tend to be
Pro-Censorship, Anti-Freedom, Against Voters Rights, Open persecution of dissenting views, For the invasion of privacy to inforce social morals

Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Michelle Malkin, and Ann Coulter just to name a few are good examples of a McCarthy Acolyte.

by Truth Shall Set You Free February 2, 2008

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Cormac McCarthy

Faulkneresque, Pulitzer Prize-winning author who wrote quality novels like "Blood Meridian," "Child of God," "All The Pretty Horses," "The Road" and most notably "No Country For Old Men," since it was adapted into a film done by the consistently brilliant Coen Bros.

Arguably, he's the greatest American writer alive. Many of his books are quite bleak & are heavy on Southern language ("Whatta you mean you caint!") but if you can handle that, you'll see what a treasure he is to literature.

Will there ever be another Cormac McCarthy? Probably not.

by Soul_Driver May 14, 2012

37๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Danielle McCarthy

Most AMAZING girl you will ever meet. She is shy, beautiful, nice, funny, and all around amazing. But she doesn't know it. She is amazing and anyone would be lucky to date her.

Person: Danielle your beautiful inside and out
Danielle McCarthy: No I'm not
Person: Yes you are let me help you to see that you are

by Edog117 May 16, 2013

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Joe McCarthy

A gay, boozing, child-molesting U.S. Senator who presided over a Communist witch-hunt during the 1950s, ruining many innocent peoples' lives in the process. Anyone left of Hitler was potentially a "Communist" to McCarthy. In fact, if your brother's friend's cousin's ex-wife's roomate happened to attend a Communist meeting in the 1930s, you probably would've been accused of being a Soviet spy and then would have to kiss your job and reputation goodbye.

Republicans have tried to resurrect this pathetic man as some kind of hero who saved us from the tide of communism (historical revionism is popular with the GOP), but the truth is most of Senator McCarthy's "intelligence" was based on little more than his vivid imagination, rumors, half-truths or gossip. He even admitted to J. Edgar Hoover that he made up the numbers on his infamous list as he went along, forcing the FBI to account for them (his office was an FBI front, he hired so many ex-FBI agents on his staff it was known as "the little FBI").

Despite all of Joe's wild claims about a vast communist conspiracy bent on subverting America, the third in command at the Bureau admitted there wasn't enough evidence to prove there was even a single Communist in the State Department. That didn't stop ol' Joe, however, he just got more reckless and bizarre in his accusations. He even started attacking President Eisenhower and the Army. This scared Hoover away and the FBI stopped helping McCarthy, setting in motion his eventual downfall. In December 1954, he became the fourth member in history to be censured by the U.S. Senate. He died in disgrace in May 1957 from his own alcoholism.

"You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?" - Joseph Welch to fearmongering idiot Joe McCarthy, publicly humiliating him on live television

by tehehehehe February 25, 2006

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Joseph McCarthy

a gay, pedophilic, coke-snorting US Senator from Wisconsin who ruined the lives of countless numbers of Americans in his paranoid witch-hunt against alleged Communists and who severely damaged the American political system until he was brought down. Inexplicably, right wing authors like Ann Coulter are trying to rehabilitate his reputation

Joseph McCarthy played upon people's fears of communism to advance his own political career and in the process corrupted American democracy

by Rattus cattus July 5, 2006

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