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mount olive

upper middle class town in north jersey where the sports teams suck but everyone shows up for the football games anyway, just because they want to pregame in the parking lot (oh yea, what parking lot?) The junior class thinks they are the senior class and the senior class always ends up at CCM. Our school has no rivals because we are not good enough at sports but yet we make up our own rivalries. Oh, and the 6th graders are more likely to be pregnant than the seniors.

Where the fuck is Mount Olive?

by Cranberrytheprincipal May 21, 2006

90πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

mount olive

Mount Olive. Where do I start? It is a little place in northern New Jersey, where nobody knows who they fucking are. Everyone follows everyone, and the entirety of the highschool is basically a pack of soldiers. You aren't cool unless you binge vodka like it's going out of style, and you shouldn't even bother going within a one mile radius of the place if you think you're going to get people to listen to music other than the ghettoist shit in the universe. Weed is everyones best friend, and if you've never seen the stuff, you definitely don't live in Mount Olive. Every girl thinks they are better than the next and they think starting the lamest drama will get them known. But they are so wrong. Everyone knows everything about eachother and it fucking sucks. The highschool is freezing as Antarctica in the winter, and hotter than hell in the summer. They might as well just have the school outside. The freshman are the trashiest around, and think they're the shit when they actually get looked down on and people think they're disgusting. Some of the freshmen girls think it's cute to wear two-inch long denim skirts in the winter with flipflops, when everyone can actually see their asses and nobody thinks it's hot. Well, the guys do. The guys at Mount Olive High School are the most judgemental assholes you will ever meet. You're only considered hot if you dress like a boy and wear sweatpants and sweatshirts 87 sizes to big to school, or if you wear almost nothing. If you don't fit in to any of those female outlines, you might as well start pouring the lighter fluid on yourself because no guy will ever talk to you. If you walk around the halls without a pass, just put handcuffs on yourself, because there's no way in hell your getting past the lobby. In Mount Olive, cocaine is the new weed, and weed is the new alcohol. Speaking of alcohol, if you even go near a party in Mount Olive, you probably should throw your camera into the forest, because little freshmen who have absolutely NOTHING better to do really enjoy showing the administrators pictures of every single kid chugging a bottle of vodka, or sucking on a keg. Nobody likes the freshmen anyway, and this just makes them become even more hated than they already are. Good going! Hey freshmen! Word of advice: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
Moving on to the sports teams of Mount Olive. Every single sport never wins one game all season. They tried changing coaches, but then they realized it's just the kids. If you go to a football game, you may only see about 7 people sitting on the bleachers, because nobody really gives a shit. Everybody just pre-games before, and walks around the field behind the bleachers wasted and happy. The only sport Mount Olive is remotely good at, is wrestling. But directly after the wrestling season is over, comes lacrosse. And then roxbury whips Mount Olive's ass.
Mount Olive is separated in to two sections; Budd Lake, and Flanders. Flanders is a place where the only thing you will pass when driving by is a lame shopping center that consists of a McDonalds, a Dunkin Donuts, and a grocery store. The only time anybody really enters the center is when they want to steal hair products and gum because they're too poor, or come to one of the fast food places because they're either wasted or have the munchies. In Flanders, there is an area commonly known as Flanders Crossing. It is a place where every house is about 5 inches from the next, and everyone there is a huge asshole. They call themselves badass because they all live on top of eachother and they think they're hot shit, when in reality everybody hates them, and they all look like overgrown 5th graders. Budd Lake is probably the scummiest place to be. Nobody knows eachother there, and you probably couldn't turn a corner without being offered drugs. The lake is known to have bodies, dogs, and even cars lying at the bottom. Luckily, one specific car was saved from these disgusting waters, along with the person driving it! :D The only part of Budd Lake people actually enjoy is the BP gas station, because it is the only place around where you can buy cigarettes at any age and not be examined with a lie detector.
Oh, good old Mount Olive. Maybe one day you'll learn what good music is, and how white-trash you really are.

Boy: "Hey, you're cute! Where are you from?"
Girl: *giggles* "Mount Olive!"

by ROFFLEROFFLEROFFLE February 21, 2008

33πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

mount olive

Mount Olive is a town where the population is 80% white upper class people yet everyone is convinced they are the "ghetto-ist" people to walk the earth. i personally would love to see what would happen if we placed our pathetic "gangs" in the Bronx. We all hang out at Dunkin Donuts and no matter how many times we say its so lame, we're there every weekend. Almost every sentence ends with bro and and everyone drives a volkswagon. The high school, the main shit hole of the entire town, is basically one big joke. Taxes have recently skyrocketed to help pay for the enormous addition to the school. what do we have to show for it? a huge obnoxious lobby with way too many tv's. oh and a new auditorium that ive seen a total of once. oh but i cant forget about the new gym either! for our amazing sports teams that are the best at losing :) every girl thinks she's the shit and every guy is an enormous prick. few of the teachers speak english and even if they do most of them forget to take their meds. there are aout 78 random "cliques" of people that all do the same thing, drink and smoke. we have a handbook of about 100+ rules and only 2 are enforced. moving down we have the middle school. basically a jail where kids are just trying to get through the most awkward years of their lives, most of them turn to coke and E to get them through the day. STDs are everywhere and the amount of head given by the 8th grade girls is appalling. as a whole Mount Olive is made up of 2 main parts: Budd Lake and Flanders. In the heart of flanderland we have everything a kid needs to have fun: a liquer store, trackter supply store, dunkin donuts, and if we really wanna be wild theres mcdonalds. on the border of budd lake and flanders we have castles. i wouldnt be suprised if queen elizabeth herself was staying in one of these mansions. then theres good old budd lake. basically a vat of shit and fish. best known for its ridiculous drug deals and murders. everyone here is up each others asses at all times. we all say we wanna leave, but CCM is about as far as we make it. welcome to mount olive :D

Oh Mount Olive, first we will be best, then we will be first"

by whuddupbro February 16, 2008

23πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

mount olive

a town where only weird people live, girls all think it's some "miniature version of laguna beach" but really just a crappy town in north new jersey where there happens to be 5 dunkin donuts within 1/2 a mile from eachother. and a place where 6th graders do drugs. and where all the sports the whole town does their all "proud" and "MO PRIDE" even though they lose at least 75% of all their games. and everyone is emo. and everyone listens to dashboard confessional and hellogoodbye and they say that they listen to panic at the disco but really they think that "lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off" is called "teen hearts beating faster".

"where do u live"
"mount olive"
"*throws paper at them* GET AWAY!"

by pinkicecream April 20, 2006

30πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

mount olive

Where people think owning a jeep is a personality trait. This sophmore group think they are the shit for being friends with a guatemalan refugee who was held back and will be turning 18 next year. They also post photos of other people’s boyfriends and have no personality they have to steal the junior classes.

You moved to Mount Olive? Go back to where you came from.

by soccerfifacup117 May 27, 2020

Mount Olive

schools are shit the playgrounds always have gum and bird shit all over itThe old principal at mountain view was a pedo the shitty secretary is still there and isn't leaving sadly The teaching conditions are terrible Oh the lunch aids are communists & nazis. Lets move onto the middle school which is a top class torture asylum. The principals and secretary are shit the teaching is even more shitty. The popular kids all think theyre hot when in reality half their body weight is fucking makeup, & their friends all the other spoiled mfs. The popular kids are a bunch of racists the sixth graders spend way 2 much time fucking each other bc they haven't had health class & they dont know abt condoms bc they find pornhub at 9. They're starting sex-ed classes in 5th grade to lower the pregnancy rates in the middle school

theres cringy girls who film themselves twerking in the bathrooms in the sluttiest clothes the school lets them wear. the school has an undercover tiktok account to get the kids who film in the school They crack down way too hard on kids who use their phones in class & take them for fucking months. Meanwhile there's kids getting bullied by the popular kids & when they complain about it the school doesn't get off their lazy asses & do shit. Now lets move on to the highschool All of the white cheerleaders are so cringe they talk about bullshit that no one gives a fuck abt they yap like "have you heard about tylers dick its so huge i wanna suck him" Only in Mount Olive πŸ’€

Man, Mount Olive sucks ass.

by putin is gay June 2, 2024

Mount Olive

schools are shit the playgrounds always have gum and bird shit all over itThe old principal at mountain view was a pedo the shitty secretary is still there and isn't leaving sadly The teaching conditions are terrible Oh the lunch aids are communists & nazis. Lets move onto the middle school which is a top class torture asylum. The principals and secretary are shit the teaching is even more shitty. The popular kids all think theyre hot when in reality half their body weight is fucking makeup, & their friends all the other spoiled mfs. The popular kids are a bunch of racists the sixth graders spend way 2 much time fucking each other bc they haven't had health class & they dont know abt condoms bc they find pornhub at 9. They're starting sex-ed classes in 5th grade to lower the pregnancy rates in the middle school

theres cringy girls who film themselves twerking in the bathrooms in the sluttiest clothes the school lets them wear. the school has an undercover tiktok account to get the kids who film in the school They crack down way too hard on kids who use their phones in class & take them for fucking months. Meanwhile there's kids getting bullied by the popular kids & when they complain about it the school doesn't get off their lazy asses & do shit. Now lets move on to the highschool All of the white cheerleaders are so cringe they talk about bullshit that no one gives a fuck abt they yap like "have you heard about tylers dick its so huge i wanna suck him" Only in Mount Olive πŸ’€

Man, Mount Olive sucks ass.

by putin is gay June 2, 2024