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hitler niggah

hitler niggah

Hitler shits himself (literally, everywhere on himself) to be disguised as a man of negro descent

Ah shit man i made a hitler niggah we gotta go

by nigga jejohnson12312213 June 3, 2017

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Niggah's Boy

when a cracka sucks up to a OG niggah like his mama

Look at that Niggah's Boy suckn up to Ray Ray; "hey niggah, get off his dick."

by OG Niggah December 7, 2005

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mah niggah

When yo friend get that mad puss

Man 1: I just fucked a supa hot chick

Man 2: Mah Niggah

by Mark Succerburg October 28, 2017

Church Niggah

A person who claims to be or is on the righteous path of life. No longer cool enough to hang with old friends. Makes bullshit excuses when asked to hang out but really cant go out cuz they're bound by a significant other.

Person 1: yo you hung out with john recently?
Person 2: nah man he turned into a straight church niggah.

by L8terH8er October 9, 2016

niggah fish

a black fish that is too lazy to get his own food so steals it from another hard working white fish, or muches off the governement.

That guy is such a niggah fish

by t Jr hdhdndh December 2, 2014

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fuck niggah

when one with dark skin doesn't listen to his pet chicken while "that niggah" is sippin' on his grape drank.

Chief Chef- Yo' Jerome, "did you drink the rest of my grape drank?"
Jerome- "Yeah"
Chief Chef- "Fuck Niggah"

by @niggahSWAG June 14, 2014

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Niggah Nook

Noun: Name given to any of several locations inside a restaurant, where a Host/Hostess will seat a large party of African Americans. This location will inevitably be out of the way and seperated from the main dining space by a wall, large potted plants, large aquarium, etc. Will occasionally be called a "club" or "conference" room.

D-Quan: "We had like 22 of us all at the Rhet Lobster, it was off da hook"
Darnell: "Damn, they was prolly ready to put yall out tha doh"
D-Quan: "Nah, they had us off in a Niggah Nook to the side, so we could whil' out, they know how WE do"

by heed777 September 7, 2010

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