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Send buses

When snapchat autocorrects 'send nudes' to 'send buses'.

Ben: Hey boi, send buses
Lewis: Wtf?! Let me urban dictionary that.

by Eloiseycheesy May 11, 2017

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Singapore Buses

A rogue bus group who is known to be racist and narcist, arrested many times

Clement is a Singapore Buses?

by Singapore Buses June 4, 2020

short bused

(adj) very much alchoholically intoxicated

He is so short bused that he couldnt even remember his own name

by nick_g October 1, 2010

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Blurt Buse

A game played EXCLUSIVELY AND SPECIFICALLY in Boston hotels, where you may find various penis pillows. The object of the game is to NOT get both a "Blurt" and a "Buse". In order to obtain either a "Blurt" or a "Buse", one must have thrown the penis pillow, and have it land horizontally, and not vertically. Upon received a "Blurt Buse", one must throw the penis pillow at the hotel room door and touch the thermostat located near the door. There is no real way to win the game, and it is most commonly played for shits 'n' giggles.

Dude, the next time we all go to Boston again, we are SO playing Blurt Buse!

by Wweeeeee November 13, 2009


The randomly abject abuse of Facebook by making nonsensical and absolutely ridiculous entries for the pathetic and wanton craving for attention on Facebook; or mistaking Facebook for Twitter; or the utter rubbish occasionally posted on Facebook that genuinely serves no purpose or value.

Cliff: Mark did you read the utter nonsense Will posted on his Facebook page?

Mark: What did he write?

Cliff: He says and I quote: "I am not satisfied with myself- or with things, as they are- but am happy in the thought that I have within, the power to change myself- and things- as I like"

Mark: What a Face-Buse!!

by Autch-Money December 5, 2009

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Short Bused

Getting retartedly drunk.

Dude, tomorrow night we are getting short bused.

by dairishkid21 June 2, 2009

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Desegregation busing

Concept that school integration can only be achieved through artificial race quotas in schools. Students of different races are forced by law to each other's schools. Opposed by many black leaders, did not help black students - the policy's intended benefactors - and also destroyed sense of community in all school districts affected.

"The discipline issues increased dramatically at City High due to the animosity generated by the new desegregation busing policy"

by jcmorgan January 9, 2009

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