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Derogatory nickname for a dimwitted person, mainly used by people living on the East Coast of Australia.

"Why do you call him Perth? His name is Mark"

"Because he's always two hours behind"

by Tightass November 11, 2006

103๐Ÿ‘ 104๐Ÿ‘Ž


The state of "Excitement." - or so their slogan says...

Although, anyone who's ever been to Perth for longer than a week would realise the irony in this.

Person 1 : So, how's Perth?

Person 2 : ...Meh.

by Imakoo August 18, 2005

105๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž


The capital of Western Australia. Claimed to have the best lifestyle in the western world, otherwise known as "summer," "beach" and "bottle shop". Besides that, Perth consists of a lot of freeways cutting through a huge neutron-bombed suburban desert, zero night life, the highest burglary rate in the country, a corrupt police force and government, millions of whining english immigrants, and a lot of ugly concrete buildings.

"Excuse me constable, somebody just stole all my stuff from my hotel room."

"Are you calling me a thief mate? Piss off or we'll fit you up for a murder and a couple of bank robberies."

"Geez, Tony drove to the pine forest and gassed him and his whole family with a hosepipe from the exhaust."

"Yeah well that's what the Perth suburbs can do to you."

by drongoman March 24, 2009

72๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž


A crappy little town located west of Ottawa Ontario.Very simmilar to Perth Australia, (according to Urban dictionary)but insted of drunken Aborginies and gangs.It has gangs of couch mamma's and drunken rednecks that spend thier welfare cheques on coke and booze. Whom also partake in petty small time crime's like stealing and selling your grandma's pain meds,car hopping,and having sex with your cousin.Which is probably due to the bordem again simmilar to Perth Australia.Perth is full of ignorant small minded fools who can't stand to hear that any body is doing any better than them, and will sometimes even go as far as to sabotage the sucessfull.


by R.A.C BABY May 3, 2011

35๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


Exceptionally small, isolated city in Western Australia.

Perth has a quaint "village" feel to it. This means that you see the same people all the time, and everything you do is remembered.

Perth is filled with drunken, violent Aborigines. They typically engage in small-time crime such as muggings and assault, but they travel in large packs. The majority of the white population has an inherent racism towards Aborigines that is not unfounded. Very few Aborigines do anything useful with their lives other than chew up welfare funds. The State government is then preoccupied with "law and order" at any election - ie move-on notices, public drinking fines, youth curfews, etc. most of which are targeted at Aborigines.

For a small city Perth has strangely violent inhabitants. It's not uncommon for a bar fight to turn into a murder very quickly. This could be attributed to the boredom.

Typical Perth people are alcoholic, small-minded, arrogant people. They follow the latest trends yet cannot stand it when somebody is successful. To be successful in Perth you have to know the right people, which means sucking up a lot.

Perth is plagued by boredom. As a result the teenagers and young adults abuse drugs and alcohol on a vast scale. Weekends consist of getting written-off on booze (Beer is the fave) and attempting to recover before work on monday.

The general population has a strange fascination with the 5 outlaw motorcycle gangs (God's Garbage, Coffin Cheaters, Club Deroe's, Gypsy Jokers, Rebels) who kill each other over the drug turf. This is about the only interesting thing that happens in the "underworld".

Perth has beautiful weather that makes the summer an excellent time for water-sports.

Generally, the people in Perth want to leave and go on to bigger and better things.

Ay cunt, give me ya fuckin' wallet! You want me to bust ya hole, cunt?

"Hey timbo, what you doing tonight mate?"'Getting on the piss mate!' "Fucken' oath eh!"

Perth is a dump! I can't wait until I can leave this shithole for Sydney or New York.

by mullet56 June 2, 2006

181๐Ÿ‘ 239๐Ÿ‘Ž


Alternative definition for scammer.
Often used when dealing drugs.

Pete: Have you ever bought off Ann? I hear she sells good X.
Jack: Nah she's a Perth, I wouldn't trust her.

by PillPopperPete May 5, 2022

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Perth is Australia's redneck capital. Perth is located in the west and because of it's location and hick density is sometimes referred to as "The wild wild west". Perth inhabitants fear change and are suspicious of any newcomers. Perth people generally don't like to leave their small town unless travelling to Bali where they are greeted by other travelling Hicks from Perth.

Individuality in Perth is socially unacceptable. Most Perthians know this and choose to stay in groups called "cliques" and blend in with the wallpaper to avoid ridicule from the general population of hillbillies.
Perth people are highly insecure and constantly make bold generalised statements such as: "Perth is the best city in the world", and "we are world class". When in reality Perth is a horribly boring and backward small hick town.
Perth is a predominantly male dominated township and the males outnumber the females. Coincidently old fashioned values of women being virtuous and pure clash with reality in Perth, where most woman are skanks in search of a wealthy man who can provide everything for them whilst they play the trophy wife.

"We in Perth are world class"
"We in Perth don't believe in Sunday trading, that's family day"
"Keep the foreign scum out of Perth"
"If you don't like it you can leave"
"We're not isolated, we have the internet"

by Stu123 July 31, 2012

52๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž