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Orphaned punchline

When a scene (film/tv show etc) starts with someone telling the punchline of a joke, without the setup. Usually followed by loud, overly-dramatic laughter from those present.

(Name taken from Tv Tropes).

“So he says “do you love me?” and she says “no, but that's a real nice ski mask!” - Dumb and Dumber.

Orphaned punchline

by Seeker of durt December 16, 2023



Tim: I’m planing a mass punchline

Jenna: you know that highly illegal

by professional_anus_tickler May 11, 2023

reverse punchline

When a comedian tells a joke or a story, they say the actual funny part at the end and the comedians voice trails off and acts like it’s nothing making it even funnier due to a complete dependence on the audience paying attention, usually ended with a dead stare.

Reverse punchline
I had a nightmare

It was a nightmare about standing in front of a group of people
I said I had nightmares

And they said, nightmares, what are those?

by Pgrogz September 28, 2019