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Rampant Degeneracy

A way of describing furries

Tell me, whats to bad about furries?

Their rampant degeneracy

by Furry_Eradicator_69 July 24, 2019

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Rampant sluttery

colloquial definition of the actions of person(s) that exhibit enlightened self awareness, typically with regard to sexual awareness, relationships (esp alternative relationship combinations).

Fully mature exponents of rampant sluttery also demonstrate advanced sensitivity behind a superficial veneer of availability.

When used in it's original form, rampant sluttery is both a compliment (adj) and descriptive of a particular action or behaviour(s).

Oh dear, you have such rampant sluttery that I am in awe of the way you managed to fully engage in that situation, get all your needs filled and still maintain style and grace.

by Mrgrufffy November 27, 2008

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Rampant Rosie

vibrator shaped in the form of myself.
Rose Stringer
12 vibrating speeds


i just bought my Rampant Rosie from ann summers is so orgasmic

by Rampant-Rosie February 21, 2008

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rampant team killing

A phrase first used in Red vs Blue. Originally synonymous to team killing, now used to describe sexual activity perpetrated by college upperclassmen upon inexperienced freshmen. Often referenced as if it were audible.

A: Dude, see that girl with the Bio 101 book? I hooked up with her last weekend.
B: Excuse me, but I can't hear you over your rampant team killing.

by SabineLaGrande January 3, 2005

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rampant sex life

Sex but like.... ALOT, and very aggressive.

Jared: I have gonorrhea jason...

by Big meat daddy December 26, 2018

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Rampant Galloping Cock Rot

A generic term for sexually transmitted deseases affecting the male reproductive organs.

Doctor, I think I've caught a dose of the old Rampant Galloping Cock Rot. Can I have some penecillin please.

by The Dalai Longer November 5, 2004

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Stupidity is Rampant

A term coined to describe an overwhelming feeling of chaos, confusion, and clueless activities within an organization. Used to denote actions that are considered "stupid" becoming overwhelming and impacting everyone.

Stupidity is rampant within this organization.

by vivacubalibre February 8, 2023