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When a person thinks they hear or see things that dont exist and usually think they are someone else at times but swear to you their not. Watch out for these fuckers there crazy!

Shes talking to the air man she must have Schizophrenia!

by Blairry October 10, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 116๐Ÿ‘Ž


a serious mental illness. a valid point. however, it is becoming clear that some instances of schizophrenia can be explained as the perfectly natural response of a sensitive, open-minded, deep-thinking, intelligent human being to being surrounded by braindead idiots in a society that wants you to be a braindead idiot, and punishes you for thinking for yourself.

Doctor: So, Louise, we believe you're suffering from schizophrenia. Tell us more about these delusions. Tell us why you believe you shouldn't have to wake up early every day to go somewhere you don't want to go, just so you can do something you don't want to do and don't even care about when you actually get there.

Liam: Because this is the only life I get you fuckin stupid little cunt.

by lsd-25 May 31, 2013

283๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž


A mental disorder acquired through the combination of genetics and trauma or anguish. Characterized by a split from "normal reality." A classification in psychology for a person, of which, they know very little about. Marked indication of any person diagnosed with schizophrenia of becoming "lost" in their own brain. Possibly correlation between levels of consciousness and the barriers that exist between those levels functioning differently causing major confusing between what is actually "real" and what the mind has created, thus, allowing the subconscious and the conscious self to communicate directly, which does not happen to most people. A marked high sensitivity to electromagnetic fields and low frequency sounds and/or noise. Extreme adherence to beliefs in such things as aliens; conspiracy theory; religion and/or God; physics (oh, you mean you didn't know) Albert Einstein's son was schizophrenic; governmental eavesdropping and tracking; the supernatural; martyrdom; auras; gifts; signs and/or oracles; time travel; hallucinations; visual and/or auditory; and a higher purpose. A definite attitude of something being amiss or not right. A heightened sense of self awareness or being. Scattered creativity. A rejection of fundamental systematic and societal laws. Firm adherence to the truth being whatever you personally believe to be true. Self destructive and likely just as sane as you are.

Scenario 1

Guy #1 "E.T. revealed to me his singular purpose.
He said, "You are the Chosen One,
the One who will deliver the message.
A message of hope for those who choose to hear it
and a warning for those who do not."

Guy #2 wtf man?

Guy #1 Me. The Chosen One?
They chose me!!!
And I didn't even graduate from f**kin' high school."

Guy #2 whoa dude you must be schizophrenic. is that why you keep singing those Tool lyrics?

Guy #1 Shhhh don't tell anyone. It's a bad stigma and I keep hearing the word crazy by everyone who knows. I'm not insane dude. I just really like Tool and I have bad interference with electromagnetic fields in my brain.

Guy #2 What's an electromagnetic field dude?

Guy #1 Don't you know anything about physics?

Guy #2 That class is boring.

Guy #1 Yeah, because they don't teach you about the interesting parts. You have to learn those for yourself.

Guy #2 We should hang out more often dude, I like Tool too.

Scenario 2

Guy #1 I was diagnosed with schizophrenia. It's why I hear and see things you don't and I have a hard time functioning in this society because my brain rejects the fundamental teachings of this societal structure.

Guy #2 Does that mean you're on medication?

Guy #1 Yes, lots of medication, but it doesn't change a damn thing about this except that I have an easier time going to school and work in a day.

Guy #2 So you still hear those voices and see those things no one else sees even though you're on med's?

Guy #1 Yeah man. They can't do sh*t all about that. They can't completely change my perception.

Guy #2 Well, maybe some day when our technology and medication is advanced enough it can help people like you.

Guy #1 I have a gift but I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy.

by Starzee Valentine March 20, 2008

187๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž


A severe mental illness, often recurring and sometimes progressive, in which the behavior becomes withdrawn and out of character, the intellect and emotions deteriorate and hallucinations may occur.

"Yeah, my friend, Bob here is schizophrenic; watch what you do."

by DiiKaBaKa January 24, 2004

565๐Ÿ‘ 338๐Ÿ‘Ž


Condition in which person's perception of reality differs from that of most others. Commonly believed to be an illness; in some instances this may be the case, but in others it may be that the person exists in a transcendent state that has not yet been defined or detected by science.

I live two lives. One is as a Web developer and programmer on a planet called Earth. The other is as an intergalactic diplomat from the Ammethane system. Both are equally real to me. Neither has adversely affected my existence as a functional being in the opposed reality. But most of you who read this would say I suffer from schizophrenia.

by Mystikan July 2, 2004

293๐Ÿ‘ 176๐Ÿ‘Ž


A neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by positive symptoms (hallucinations, delusions and disorganized thought and speech) and by negative symptoms (deficiencies in experiencing pleasure or motivation).

The disorder usually develops in late adolescence or early adulthood, the time when the brain fully matures.

Treatment includes antipsychotics, which usually have a large effect on symptoms, however compliance is usually poor due to their severe side effects. Cognitive function usually does not improve with treatment, and is a major source of disability.

Heritability is estimated to be about 80%. Genetic studies implicate general neurodevelopmental pathways, and especially sperm function, the immune system, DNA repair and synaptic development. Environmental factors include problems during pregnancy, advanced parental age, childhood adversity, an urban environment, cannabis use in childhood or adolescence and addiction to alcohol or stimulants.

Complications include suicide (about 5%), uncemployment (about 85%) and social isolation.

About 0.5% of people suffer from schizophrenia.

The mathematician John Nash had schizophrenia.

by category December 22, 2020


A disorder in which neurons fire too much(dopamine imbalance), creating a chronic feeling of overwhelm. Withdrawal from reality is typical, and illogical reasoning further ostracizes individuals. Symptoms of which can be falsely produced with LSD, a feature implemented by the CIA to attempt to discredit foreign leaders of Socialist governments.

Person 1: Did you hear Castro has schizophrenia ?

Person 2: No, man, the CIA dosed him with acid.

by daves related to a goat March 31, 2008

45๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž