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A guy whose parents got drunk and named him this out of stupidity. He does not tend to always make the best life choices because he has been through a lot. If you're rude to him he will bitch slap you, motherfucker. LOL. He's a really attractive bad boy. He is really sweet once you get to know him and he is a really loyal friend and boyfriend *if you are loyal to him*. He sticks up for what he believes in and people he cares for.

"That Seven kid has a weird name."
"Seven is my best friend."
"I love me some Seven ;)"
"Seven if you see this I didn't write it."

by bitchesdie March 11, 2015

5👍 4👎


meaning phitt (good-lookin) girl/guy, usually shouted as a code word to mates for noticing a good-looking person

"seven million; seven-up; sprite; coca-cola (used in association of a black girl/guy)", can also be used in the same context
"minus seven" = the opposite of seven
"forteen" = a pair of sevens (continuing through the 7 times table)
"seven times table" = a group of sevens, usually sittin at a table
"seven at 3 oclock" = a seven directly right!

-2 guys walk to corner shop
-fit girl walks past the other way

guy1 "SEVEN!"
guy2 "where?"
guy1 "6 oclock!"

by Seven Welch November 22, 2007

12👍 14👎


The greatest number to grace the earth. The law of edwards and any of his disciples

Answer to anything.

How much cheese you want? Seven.

Mum I hate you. Mum replies Seven

by Sevenpointsevenpointtriangle October 19, 2020


1. Quite possibly the most formiddable number ever to be counted, It is derived from the latin term severa meaning "several" the number seven is typically used as a threat among gangs along the eastern coast as to the fact that seven is the largest number in the illiterate faction of gang members usually causing great confusion amongst all when uttered. Also seven is the number of deadly sins according to the bible making the number seven actually demonic in nature.

2. Seven also referred to as "Lucky Number Seven" ironically, the term is mostly used as respect torwards the number as angering it causes terrorism, earthquakes, and swine flu among the general population.

Hey kids remember if you dont worship seven..there'll be another 9/11

Father i have sinned....
There there my son your going to hell.....
Fuck you nigga im not going to hell im going to seven

Why is six afraid of seven?
Because seven's a nigga

by LemonNormalGuy May 21, 2009

13👍 17👎


When a man skank tells his woman that his junk is an oversized seven inches. Often a tool used during sexting.

7 inches 2 inches wide :)

My cock is more vast than the seven seas.

That was just one time!

by The Jesus Room June 17, 2011

8👍 9👎


Micky Mantle's number.

No! I was going to name my kid Seven! Seveeeeeeeennnn!

by G. L. January 4, 2004

17👍 27👎


Seven is a ungrateful and nonchalant person this person will not hesitate to leave you. Seven is the type of person to get mad when you’ve done nothing at all. Seven has the worst mood swings you’ll ever see in a day to day life and he’s unbothered by it. Seven doesn’t realize how bad he hurts people by what he says. Seven will never care about you and is more into what you can do than what you can give. He’s a very materialistic person and wants more than he can have. He’s a greedy selfish person and knows it but doesn’t take any time to change because he’s fake. Seven is a fake person and loves to walk all over people every chance he gets. Seven is NOT boyfriend material he’s an absolute WASTE of space. Whilst in a relationship he will gaslight you, mock you, ingnore you, insult you, and basically act like you guys are not even together. Seven will act like he’s the victim when 99% of the time he’s not he just seeks for attention. He WILL break your heart and no give one fuk about it. He switch’s girls like he changes clothes He will NEVER be able to keep someone because of the way he treats them. Seven is a liar , a cheater and a motherfucking heart braker and he will act like it’s your fault when it never was. Seven is a overall horrible person and deserves nothing good in life.

Person 1 - “what’s wrong??”
Person 2 - “seven broke me”
Person 1 - “I hate him

by oinotna>backwards March 28, 2022

3👍 4👎