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One of histories first signs of emo.

Canst thou, O cruel! say I love thee not,
When I against myself with thee partake?
Do I not think on thee, when I forgot
Am of myself, all tyrant, for thy sake?
Who hateth thee that I do call my friend?
On whom frown'st thou that I do fawn upon?
Nay, if thou lour'st on me, do I not spend
Revenge upon myself with present moan?
What merit do I in myself respect,
That is so proud thy service to despise,
When all my best doth worship thy defect,
Commanded by the motion of thine eyes?
But, love, hate on, for now I know thy mind;
Those that can see thou lovest, and I am blind.

by Davemeistro March 12, 2006

365๐Ÿ‘ 225๐Ÿ‘Ž


The name not the writer, He's good at basketball he smells good, he can be a player at times and once he makes you fall for him, he'll ditch you. He has the deepest dimples and dresses decent, he's tall and muscular. He is hispanic and has beautiful brown eyes.

Girl 1: woah whos that hoittie over there
Girl 2: I bet you thats a Shakespeare

by iloveshakespeare69 October 10, 2017

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A method of torture used by English teachers on their students for their own sick amusment and the cause of a surge of sparknotes.com users

did the teach give you shakespeare too?!

by dramagirl3 December 4, 2008

258๐Ÿ‘ 167๐Ÿ‘Ž


A guy who wrote good plays that confuses the hell out of amerians

"what the f*ck does Sonnet 36 mean? and what about 1-154?"

by lalalala October 22, 2003

296๐Ÿ‘ 236๐Ÿ‘Ž


A poet, playwright and actor. Not a bard, as bards played musical instruments and were assholes. Also arguably the first emo fag who wrote poetry like a motherfucker.

"Williiam shakespeare was the greatest PLAY WRITERS of all time."

by Bendrson February 16, 2010

44๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


a pear who holds a skull and says things that rhyme

yo jimmy dat shakespeare copyed the shakesapple damn shit our society is shited up man

by patricia morarez October 14, 2020


When a male is done peeing and shakespeares the last bit off.

The last bit of piss clung on for dear life, but was no match for my vigorous shakespeare.

by DeepFryLasagna August 12, 2018