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1.) Someone who wears baggy clothes, i.e. hoodies, jeans etc. These so-called 'skaters' can't always skate, but townies like to call them skaters because they reckon it's an insult.
2.) (the REAL definition) Someone who loves to skate (and can actually do it), not just some poser who thinks they are a skater just because they wear skate clothes. A skater can be anyone - grunger, goth, hippie, punk, mosher or even a stupid townie.

Darren is a real skater - he can actually STAY ON his board for more than 3.02 seconds.

by gothicangel November 19, 2003

651๐Ÿ‘ 380๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who skateboards or rollerblades....and not little pussy bitches who say they can skate but cant.....even if they just started skatin and arent good its ok b/c they keep the sport alive!!!and if u say a skater sux fuck u...it is pointless to fight over this.....if u love to do it its wut is in your heart that helps u...and skating isnt only a punk thing to do....any one person can do it it no matter wut race or gender...and i have seen girls that can skate better than most guys...so fight about skatin dumbasses.

A skater isnt only punk, a skater is sumone one who skates and loves it!!

by NACHOsk8r August 30, 2003

183๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž


"skater" or "skateboarder"

A person who is foot mounted on a board of some type with zero-four wheels. Usually without any motor. (Manually propelled vehicle.) Skateboarders usually do not have a single fashion, and their clothing style is borrowed from other sub-cultures. (i.e. Punk-Skaters, Prep-Skaters, Homie-Skaters, etc.) Skateboarding has been derived from the "surfer", "stoner," "metal-head" and "punk" sub-cultures. (Actually, Skateboarding was born through the surfing sub-culture. When the surfers couldn't surf, they created the first skateboards which consisted of a couple 2x4's nailed together, a milk crate and some clay wheels. Later the milk crate was removed, the 2x4's were replaced by maple wood glued together in "plys" and the wheels were improved. The original term for skateboarding was "sidewalk surfing.") Sadly some ignorant people still affiliate skaters with stoners. (This is mostly because skateboarding is viewed as a counter-culture by Society.) Skaters are typically athletic and usually do not use drugs.
The term is actually difficult to define due to the fact of the large diversity in the sub-culture. Basically anybody who uses any type of skateboard for any reason. (yes posers exist, but they exist for every sub-culture, I'm sure that there are "Thug" posers also.) Skateboarders do not listen to one specific type of music. No strict fashion exists except for the people who try to look dedicated/sponsered, or are actually sponsered by wearing name-brand skateboarding clothing (such as a company's t-shirt, hat, or shoes.) Any person can be a skater: african, asian, european, mexican, female, male, elderly, youngsters, poor, rich, etc.

Skateboarders are people who participate in a sport/art, not a fashion trend.

To find some skaters: grab a skateboarding magazine, or a skateboarding movie, or hell, even go to your local skatepark or skateshop. You will quickly gather how diverse this sub-culture is, and hopefully create your own opionion/definition of them.

by Steven Hanaway June 26, 2006

76๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who enjoys just skating for a living and doesnt try to be anything that their not. People who understand what skaters do and why they do it usually i get along with. I'd rather be kickfliping a 10 stair rather than smoking pot or any shit like that. People think that skaters dress a certain way, well they dont skaters dress how the want to, whether it be baggy jeans or tight jeans, even though its easier to do tricks in loose jeans. Skaters have different personalities some (like me) dont respect the signs that say no skateboarding, others respect them so they dont get in trouble with the popos. You cant really classify skateboarders its just a way of life, a skateboarders culture is different than ANYbody else. When people say that all skaters ever do is call people posers cause their just starting it not really true. not a lot of skaters do that cause at one point in time they were just starting too.

Cop: The sign says no skateboarding...can you skater punks not read?
Skater: yeah we can read we just dont care.
Cop: well skater punk how would you like to go to jail for being a smartass?

that was a real conversation that me and my brother had with a cop.

by TruSkaterChick4life May 29, 2006

66๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who skates because that's what they love to do. A skater is:
1) A friendly person
2) Relatively well educated
3) Someone who skates because they enjoy it
4) Someone who finds it hard to get a girlfriend :-)
5)Someone who is individual and does their own thing

A skater is not:
1) A druggie
2) Someone who holds a board to look 'cool'
3) Someone who has a certain style of clothing/music/interests because they feel they must
5) Threatening
6) Violent
7) Abusive
8) Follows a stereotype

Person: Damn skaters, haven't they anything better to do than tearing up our roads and pavements?
Skater: It's better than hanging around street corners, graffiting walls, taking drugs and yelling abuse at people
Chav: Oi! Whatchoo implyin'
Skater: That you are the scum of the earth that I described

by pengy December 8, 2004

174๐Ÿ‘ 102๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who skateboards. they skate cos they like it and not to look cool or earn credit. those are the so called posers. most skaters have their own style, all though they may sometimes be seperated into groups, like hip hop, punk, or goth, hippies etc. skaters dedicate their life to skateboarding and they find life as a way of having fun.

i skate cos i used to be an emo, which i dont wanna be. now that i skate i feel that i have started a new life. i dont care for girls, love or romance, or some other shit which makes u sad all the time. i now find that in life i want to entertain myself instaed of ruining it.

skaters like to skate

by kenneththecoolguywithahat July 13, 2006

64๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who skates... simple as..
No one should be judged, no one should think that you are a townie or a skater. Why should a person have tunnel vision in what they wear?? Why dont you wear what you thinks looks good?.. long story-short, do what you want

person who skates

by Joe Morris January 28, 2004

51๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž