If you were born on December 16th you are one of the cutest people to ever live, you have at least 10 people who secretly have a crush on you
When’s your birthday?
Oh it’s December 16th.
Well, then I know your cute
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Hold Hands with your crush Day!
Person 1: Bro it’s November 16th
Person 2: Omg It is
Person 1: It’s hold hands with your crush day!
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National Buy your friend Starbucks day
Text your friend to get up and buy u Starbucks. Make your friend buy you Starbucks with there money on October 16th
National pizza and blowjob day!
I cannot wait to see my girlfriend on March 16th
National boys can’t say no day.
On February 16th boys aren’t allowed to say no
Use Febuary 16th as an excuse to make him say yes to anything
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The absolute sexiest mother fucker you’ll ever meet was born on this day - you HAVE to do what they want for their whole bday week OR ELSE ...
Also give them the dick
February 16th: someone’s bday
Person: hey honey you know what week it is
Person 2: no what is it?
Person: it’s my birthday bitch
Person 2:when do you want your duck then?
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A no homo day of sorts where all gay shit is allowed.
Person 1: its November 16th
Person 2: Bro you wanna do gay shit
Person 1: Hell yeah!
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