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Well, for America, it's just full of fucking zombies who are very fashionable and trendy. And they cream over everything that the media shits out and deems awesome, as in superstars, websites, tv shows, "musicians". They blindly recognize Justin Beiber, Adam Lambert, the sissy fag that sings "You're beautiful, it's true." as good music, and worse, art.

Zombies of society go haywire for glittery, glamourous American Idol, for any winners to be forgotten within the next two years. Same could be said for any star in these times.

In today's society, seemingly random people can be famous. Like Snooki and Paris Hilton. They're famous for being... Rich bitches, with no significant works or talent. The phrase "bliss is ignorance" applies to America's society quite well. Hell, kick it up a few notches. "Ignorance is encouraged"

Gee, today's society is really shitacular. Good luck, mankind, on trying to elevate to a higher concsience.

by Wasabimoto November 19, 2010

53๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


A mistake.

We can never achieve our dreams thanks to society.

by Chalko3 January 10, 2021

124๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž



It's crumbling.........

Society is crumbling..........

by All politicians suck Satan's penis..................jvz7 k111 `3m411 March 15, 2005

723๐Ÿ‘ 179๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. You must conform to others. If other people smoke, drink, have sex at a young age, and go out every night, you have to, too. If you don't and "be yourself"... well, you're a fag with no life.
2. Only heterosexuals are accpeted here. If you are ANY other sexuality, be it gay, lesbian, or bisexual, you with be physically/ verbally abused by "normal" heteros, even if you didn't to SHIT to anyone.
3. Virginity is evil. If you are still a virgin by the time you are 15 years old, you will be attacked by people who don't have the social sin of "virginity". Oh? STDs? Pregnacy? Don't worry about these things, only an orgasm matters. Oh, and if you are male, you must sleep with multiple women. If not... you're a loser.
4. Minorities are also evil. If you are black, Mexican, Asian; any other ethnic group besides white, then be prepared to be bombarded with racial slurs and stereotypes. Also, if you are a woman, be ready for sexist pigs, rape, chauvinists, and men who only want sex to lie to you. Oh, and if you get pregnant, it's all YOUR fault, even though the man had just as much to do with it. Women are evil.
6. If you are a great painter, an excellent writer, have an IQ above, watch TV, a wonderful and skilled video gamer, a loner, a kind person, a reader, or just like being indoors away from rapists, murderers, and thugs... you need to get fucking laid and a life. Sex, drugs, and alcohol are the only exceptable hobbies here, and if you talk about anything else, no one cares.

The white, straight, Christian male who smoked weed, drank beer, slept with over 20 women, was lazy and acted like an asshole was admired by everyone, while the Asian, bisexual, athiest female that donated over 1,000 to orphanages, was very kind to everyone, was a virgin, and loved to read books was treated like shit. The model for society.

by Someone fed up November 2, 2010

485๐Ÿ‘ 122๐Ÿ‘Ž


Where other people make stupid decisions and expect me to abide by them.

I can't jack off in public because society doesn't allow it.

by angrysuperhawk January 17, 2017

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


We are all, some way or another, born into a society. It puts down a set of beliefs, assuming that all those in it must conform with it and abide by their rules and beliefs. Those who do not wish to conform with society and its views are labelled as either strange, outcast, loner or any other adjectives that people use to try and degrade people.

Note: This lack of conformity must not be confused with Anarchy, where society ends up a crumbled mess and people do what they want without being put to justice, including killing, raping and stealing.

The leaders of a society are supposed to protect us and give us opportunities to excel in life. But little do those who conform with it know that most of these leaders are trying to brainwash them into being like mindless beings-succumbing to their will (be it good or bad) and believing everything they say and promise.

Most societies are falling to pieces by the second.

Where is the positive change that today's world leaders promised? Or are they just 'changing' for their own benefits?

Many of today's societies shun those people who dislike mainstream music as well as other mainstream ideas and media (such as today's vampires, looking up to senseless money-hungry and attention-hungry celebrities and being 'beautiful' in society's eyes)-but these days such people are working hard to make a positive change to these corrupted societies.

Many societies promise freedom of speech, sharing and opinion-but now with laws such as ACTA, SOPA and PIPA we will deprived of that.

John: "Why do guys wear their trousers so low these days?"
Nathan: "Because it's cool and everybody's doing it: like me."
John: "I'm surely not doing that."
Nathan: "You're so uncool-go die."

Mother: "Jane why don't you wear make up and wear heels like every other girl? You're not normal if you don't do such things, you know."

Friend 1 to Friend 2: "It's funny how you don't follow trends like everyone else does. Why don't you want to be like everybody else?"
Friend 2: "Because if I do what everybody else likes that I genuinely don't, I'll be one step closer to losing my sense of self, my uniqueness and my own ability to decide how I want to excel in life. I also like deciding what I myself love in terms of clothes/doing stuff to pass the time/hobbies/music......"
Friend 1:"Loser, you just have no friends."

by Lestrange society January 28, 2012

24๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word that is, when combined with 'sybolism', a GUARANTEED A in advanced English class.

teacher: So what is the symbolism of this book?
student: It's like society, you know? A corrupt SOCIETY is the SYMBOLYSIM of this book.
teacher: A ++++++++ FOREVER!

by Danny Peterson January 12, 2004

275๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž