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Solar Eclipse

What happens when your mom is on a spacewalk and gets between the Sun and Earth.

Yo momma so fat when she went to space she caused a solar eclipse.

by Sentinel Stark August 18, 2017

Solar Eclipse

An American teacher in her 50's, as round as a Solar Eclipse.

Dang, that woman is so huge she looks like a Solar Eclipse!

by 84675938957847 November 15, 2016

Solar Eclipse

A Solar Eclipse happens when yo mama passes between the Sun and the Earth.

Look at that! Isn't the Solar eclipse beautiful?

Oh there she goes!

by nooblegend6927 September 1, 2019

Xavier Solar Eclipse

A solar eclipse but with the celestial object under the name of “Xavier” passing over the moon.

“Is that an asteroid? It must be the infamous Xavier Solar Eclipse!”

by ERICK C. EC April 8, 2024

The Solar Eclipse

The Solar Eclipse is a sexual move when two men are in intimacy, and one tries to use his penis to block the light from the others eyes, hence the solar eclipse.

Boy 1: Me and my boyfriend did the solar eclipse when we had sex yesterday
Boy 2: Wow that must've been an experience

by AzzyTheSnazzy June 21, 2022

1👍 1👎

Solar Eclipse 2017

The solar eclipse on August 21, 2017. This was a rare chance to see a total solar eclipse across pretty much the entire United States, and if you looked at it, you could've gotten blind.

That Solar Eclipse 2017 was lit.

by Set Blue 23 March 15, 2018