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Tomer moment

When someone acts confused to an extremely obvious statement

Person 1: I need to go sleep now, see you later!
Person 2: ???
Person 1: Tomer moment

by pogge5 February 19, 2021

Moaning Tomer

When two men face opposite ends of a room and slowly back into each other until their asses lightly touch. It is imperative that no eye contact is made.

See also: Whispering Jim

Those guys totally changed the mood of the party when they decided to start a Moaning Tomer.

by bizzolt October 11, 2011

tomer moment

when a guy says something sus (in a gay way) and acts oblivious when questioned about it

person #1:"i love men"
person #2:"ayyooo what did you say?"
person #1:"what?"
person #2:"tomer moment"

by 100% not tomer June 12, 2023

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Pulling a tomer

Set an ultimatum to your friends about a club you do not want to be in

If we go there I am not comming.I'm pulling a tomer

by A word inventor March 12, 2022


A customer that makes you want to say not nice words, but you can't because you're at work.

I had a long day at work. Enough "cuss"tomers for one lifetime.

by Someone who kinda exists July 2, 2022

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Tomer Erlich

A donkey faggot who prefers little boys

Sir your under arrest for being a Tomer Erlich

by Donkey Fag SLaYer October 16, 2019

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Tomer Spivak

A person who is a meter and a bamba. He is small but has a little 2 millimeter defeater

Tomer Spivak is 2 km above all the rest

by ConvertCarDababy January 13, 2024