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Ukes are Ukueles... people who think otherwise are wrong

Me: *plays ukulele*
Random guy: wow, you shredded that Uke!

by DatMagicalUkulele February 24, 2015

161๐Ÿ‘ 162๐Ÿ‘Ž


wow, looky, we invented the english language, fancy that.

uk aint all that bad, we just invented tv, phones, actually at one point we owned much of the world, no really.no figuratively, litterally.

come to think of it. we did a lot more that some.

by i want my face blurred January 17, 2007

388๐Ÿ‘ 456๐Ÿ‘Ž


when a boy learns one of the following three songs on the ukulele and uses it as a tool to get girls
- Over the Rainbow
- I'm Yours by Jason Mraz
- Hey, Soul Sister by Train

*Boy gets out his ukulele and begins to play Hey, Soul sister*
"Don't fall for it Gayle, he's ukeing"
Gayle responds "I'll be your soul sister!"
Another one lost to the Uke.

by alvski September 8, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Short for the United Kingdom which is a COUNTRY, not a faction. The CONSTITUENT COUNTRIES within the UK are England (Largest and home to the capital of the UK, London. London is also the capital of England.), Scotland (2nd largest, their capital is Edinburgh.) and Wales (Smallest constituent country, their capital is Cardiff).

People mistakenly believe that Northern Ireland is a constituent country, it is a province. The capital of the Northern Irish province is Belfast.

Ireland is an independent country, owning 5/6 of the ISLAND of Ireland. Its capital is Dublin.

Great Britain is the main island of the UK.
The British Isles is a collection of the islands of Great Britain, Ireland, Isle of Man, Isle of Wight and several others.
The UK is a sovereign country consisting of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Even though England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have their own "national" football teams, they are still part of the UK. UEFA and FIFA can't decide what is a country.

Any troglodyte Americans reading this, London isn't the only fucking city and not everyone is a posh cunt.
There are other amazing cities such as Birmingham, Cardiff, Gloucester, Manchester, Liverpool, Sheffield, Edinburgh, etc. Most of the counties, provinces and constituent countries have their own accents aswell.

The UK used to not exist and instead there were the Kingdom of England, the Kingdom of Scotland, the Principality of Wales and multiple kingdoms in Ireland.

Stupid American: Omg i wanna visit Edinburgh in England!!

Someone with more than 3 brain cells: Edinbirgh is in Scotland which is part of the UK, you fucking troglodyte.

American which now has 3 brain cells: My apologies for being stupid. Now I am an epic genius.

by rtegwfgrnwtheargwrn July 18, 2021

11๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

UK it

Short for UNITED KINGDOM IT. Meaning: get out there and just live.

Woman 1: Work has been so stressful lately, I need to relax.
Woman 2: UK it!

by Lindsay Hamel May 2, 2008

9๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


It is really pathetic that so many Americans have written definitions for the UK,England etc when they don't even live here and most of them have never even been here. They use urban dictionary to argue the point that they are not stupid, fat, opionated liars etc then they say things like this 'An island of crumpet eating tea sucking whiny bastards who are jealous of the USA and its might'.

Sure, America may be a super power now but pick up a fucking history book, super powers never last forever, like the Romans, Egyptians and even the UK which used to own about the quarter of the world. America is already the most hated country in the world so be nice to the other countries if you want us to help you need it and stop banging on about saving our asses in the second world war, you only got involved cause of Pearl Harbour and stuff and less people would have died if you'd helped at the start but this is in the past so it doesn't even matter now anyway.

Anyways the UK is a group of countries and islands, the biggest being England. It is on the same line of latitude as Labrador (the place not the dog) but because of the warm sea current that i forget the name of, the climate is temperate. It is a fairly peaceful place to live and most people don't really give a fuck.

However there is an increasing epidemic of chavs which are the sub human scum of the earth and are diluting the otherwise okay population. People complain about immigrants but at least most of them work, and they don't try and fight you just cause you looked at them or something stupid like that.

Also we do not all have bad teeth, we don't all drink tea.. i don't even know how to make it.. and we are not all posh (far from it). For more information visit a tourist sight or something.

O and for the person who was banging on about Ireland... we don't hate the Irish or anything and i'm sure most British people would give Northern Island back to Ireland but it's not our choice is it fools, also they aren't totally the victims, if you look in old news you will find that the IRA blew up parts of England including the centre of Manchester killing lots of people but nobody even talks about that anymore anyways and we don't hate each others guts and we go on holidays to each others countries ffs and the IRA have said they are disarming now anyways.

Finally we're not all posh, pompous idiots either, some of the most popular TV shows here are ones that take the piss out of us like Little Britain so yes we do have a sense of humour and we don't all love the fucking queen!

Since i was born in Wales and have lived there, and now live in England and have been to Scotland many times and know people in Northern Island i think my definition is more accurate than someone from america or australia or some other far thrown place, who are fools for writing a defintion for a country they don't even know and in some cases probably couldn't even point to on a map.

People in the UK don't give a fuck

by lalala i'm not listening December 29, 2005

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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. A country primarily located in Western Europe, once spanning a quarter of the globe. Having lost it's substantial land holdings due to two world wars and the resulting cold war between the Soviet and Western Blocs, the UK still ranks as one of the world's top 5 super-powers. In reality, second only to the United States in global influence, the United Kingdom occupies a position of prominence in the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. While having nowhere near the present population or military might of the United States, Britain posesses an impressive society with a standard of living which outclasses overall (wide-scale) any nation on the planet.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is commonly referred to as the UK.

by Horizon August 23, 2003

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