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Well Done Baku!

A phrase by the F1 driver Daniel Ricciardo. Used when an accident happens in Baku which is one of the most dangerous track.

*Leclerc goes into the barrier*
Well done Baku!

by TotallyNotLime October 16, 2021

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well done jew

Typical response to a comment made regarding:

When you get that bang for your buck..
When you find the bottom price on something..
When you get something on a BOGO offer..
When you get a very good deal on something...

"You won't believe this! I bought two brand new flicks on DVD for like..ten bucks!!"

"well done jew"


"Talked those girl scouts into selling me 5 packs for the price of one"

"well done jew"

by Automatah June 2, 2004

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Comma well done

A type of error written with no respect to the rules of dedicated report writing.

Scott tried hard all year and should be commended for his efforts comma well done

by Speegal December 8, 2016

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Job Well Done

Throwing somebody down a well; thus causing their feet to kick themselves in the head due to their dislocated their femurs from trying to stop their fall.

I'm going to give you a job well done if you dont tell me who you'd rather have sex with...if you had to. Then maybe you'd get a spinal tap

by Slut December 6, 2004

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Well Done Steak

The Best Steak Variety if you hate well done you probably like nivarna and say cm punk will return at every wwe ppv

Guy 1 β€œwell done steak is delicious”
Guy 2 β€œI prefer medium rare but well done is ok”
Guy 3 Eww well done steak go to hell dickhead
Guy 1 and guy 2 β€œgo to hell Dave”

by Thatonekidwhohatesfurries February 20, 2021

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rare medium well done

A pun on steak because it uses all of the ways a steak can be cooked

Me:You know what I like about steak jokes?
Me: They're a rare medium well done

by robinthegrandmaster January 16, 2018

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A triple well-done cinderblock of artery clogging goodness.

A Egg McMuffin from McDonald's.

Phil: Wow, I just had a triple well-done cinderblock of artery clogging goodness.

Dave: So you stopped by McDonald's this morning?

Phil: You know it!

by bloodi x wolf December 15, 2010

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