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Facebook amnesia

When people from earlier in your life whom you hated decide to friend you on Facebook as if you're old friends.

"David must have Facebook amnesia. He friended me even though I hated that little fucker back in high school."

by TheLongRanger2 December 4, 2009

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retail amnesia

The effect a store has on you when you enter. You arrive and forgot what you came to purchase, so you wander around the store trying to remember.

I went to Target last night for toothpaste and got retail amnesia. I spent $75 on crap I didn't need and forgot the toothpaste I needed.

by SteelerPP February 14, 2012

Holiday Amnesia

When you forget about presents you bought someone for Christmas. Usually occurs because gifts were bought after Christmas or in the summer when they're not as expensive

Mike: Where'd you get that new skateboard? It's June.
Jim: My mom found it in her closet. She said it was from last Christmas
Mike: She must have suffered from Holiday Amnesia

by J_F7 January 3, 2010

Tech Amnesia

An ailment caused by losing or breaking a cell phone or mobile device resulting in complete loss of phone numbers and other information of friends and family, mainly caused by the fact that people no longer have to remember phone numbers due to contact lists and speed dialing.

"I wish I never lost my old phone, cause now I don't have anyones numbers anymore. Totally suffering from tech amnesia."

by McSushi March 27, 2008

Facebook Amnesia

A condition of thoughtlessness which occurs when you open up Facebook and forget what you are doing. It is usually temporary, and the person will eventually awake as if out of a stupor. Those who suffer from it are unable to retrieve information and instead fall into a state of oblivion. The most common symptom is mental blankness where the victim descends into a deep state of incognizance.

Danny: Dude, can you see what time the open mic is at?
Rob: Sure man, lemme just check on Facebook.

15 minutes later....

Danny: Bro! What the hell have you been doing for all this time?!
Rob: Oh, I, uh...just looking at some pictures of this girl who's a friend of a person I found on the wall of an acquaintance from middle school.
Danny: Broooo! Shit, stop it, she's like 16. You've got Facebook Amnesia! Now go and check the event page.

by MonteCristo8 July 13, 2013

Vag Amnesia

When a guy ignore all his friends because he either has a new girlfriend or because his girlfriend is around. Male form of dick amnesia

John hooked up with Jessie and now it's like he has total vag amnesia.

by MDSA December 20, 2005

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tea amnesia

When you make yourself a cup of tea, and in leaving it to stew, forget about it, only to discover it, lukewarm, half an hour later, completely undrinkable

I was looking forward to that cuppa all day, but now my tea amnesia has robbed me of it

by teamon October 2, 2011

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