the now-reigning highest level of crazy
The Stable Genius went full batshit last night with his latest rage-tweet, this one about Jack tagging his lies as... drum roll... lies!
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The woman in the riddle below, is batshit crazy, no further explanation needed.
A woman encounters a man at her mother's funeral whom she has never seen before. A few days later, her sister dies. Why?
The woman fell in love with the man at the funeral. Unfortunately, she didn't get his number, so she killed her sister, hoping to see him again at her sister's funeral.
You kill your sister to get your crushes phone number?! You batshit crazyyyyyyy.
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When someone has crossed into extreme insanity.
Person #2: That kid is Batshit Insane.
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A girl who is literally batshit crazy but who you continue to hangout with because she is so attractive and fun.
That girl is so crazy she is batshit fun.
To be completely and utterly fucking crazy. It can be used to describe a noun. Mostly used to emphasize the emotional state of a person.
The teacher didn't completely erase the notes on the chalkboard, which caused obsessive-compulsive Isaac to go batshit loco and turn over his desk.
I don't know what the fuck happened, all of the sudden he went batshit loco and shit on the couch!
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adj. speech or behavior that is over the top, unhinged, self-destructive, or a threat to others.
Condition may be temporary (e.g. "Dad went all batshit crazy on me when he saw the cell phone bill") or prolonged ("Adolph Hitler was a batshit crazy megalomaniac responsible for the deaths of millions in 20th-century Europe.")
see batshit, batshit fucking insane
Did you see what Maureen wrote last week? Girl's been batshit crazy ever since Michael dumped her.
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1. A synonym for Tom Cruise.
Tom Cruise is batshit crazy.
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