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black metal

Black metal is a sub genre of metal that is associated with, most prominantley, Norwegian and other Scandinavian countries. This type of music includes blasting drum beats from double bass drums and heavy guitar picking, known as tremelo picking. The singing is usually growling and somewhat high pitched. Bands such as Darkthrone, Mayhem, Emperor and Immortal made Black metal into what it is known as today although Venom sort of started it. Now, bands like Satyricon, Carpathian Forest, Gorgoroth, Burzum, Borknagar, Finntroll, Dimmu Borgir, Tulus and 1349 are well known amongst the fans of this music. The history of black metal dates back to the early to mid 80's. But the shit really hit the fan in the early 90's when church burnings and killings became a friday ritual over in Norway. One of the members of Burzum, the singer Varg, was locked up after brutally murduring another musician. Burzum's last album before his inconvinient sentence was Filosofem which in my opinion is a great album. Another violent metal occurence is when the singer from Mayhem took his own life. "Death", as he was called, blew out his brains with a shotgun. The members of the band decided to make the picture of him dead, the next cd cover. Although the cover defines the meaning of black metal, it was banned and they were forced to change it. Some other interesting facts: Drummer from Mayhem, Hellhammer, plays for Dimmu Borgir. Drummer for Satyricon, Frost, also plays for 1349. The world of Black metal is fasinating and violent but the music speaks for itself. I have a countless # of black metal albums and I love them all. Buy a couple and give it a good listen or two.

Black metal is a sub genre of metal and includes fast drums and rampaging guitars that will eat you alive.

by Finntroll1349 February 17, 2008

36๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

black metal

Wow, what I read on this page about black metal is probably the biggest nonsense since what I've read here about trance music.

The difference between black and death metal is not the vocals, there is plenty of black metal that is even clean sung. Black metal is not about extreme metal, about blastbeats, in fact: a lot of well respected black metal bands avoid blastbeats all together. Black metal is not about satanism, that's just the popular poserblack. Sensible bands try to avoid satanism all together and utilze other themes 'winter' is an often used one.

Black metal is not about anti popmusic, or anti electronic music. True black metal is linked to electronic genres such as ambient, noise and industrial and encorporates elements from that.

So what defines black metal?

What sets black metal appart from death metal is effectively (for the record) what sets trance appart from techno & what sets ambient appart from lounge.

Namely: More monotone, more rooted in classical music theory, less rithmic, more atmospherical, more about the emotion, less about the grooves and melodies that function as a chordprogression.

Noteable black metal albums:

Arcuturs - Aspera Hiems Symfonia
Vinterriket - Der Letzte Winter
Ulver - Bergtatt
Darkspace - Dark Space I
The Kovenant - Nexus Polaris

by Amar van Leeuwaarde May 5, 2006

110๐Ÿ‘ 104๐Ÿ‘Ž

black metal

black metal fans wear hilarious "corpse paint" inspired by the panda bear. also the will be clad in black (and only black) leather with studs, spikes and nails averywhere and black bandshirts with illegible band logos.
the will not laugh or smile, but rather one must be "grim", "necro" and "frostbitten". the greet each other with "Hail!" or, on special occasions, "Infernal Hails!".
in their possession will be a large collection of poor quality bootlegs of bands with names like Azhubham Haani that have never produced anything but bootlegs. bands like these are "true" and good, because nobody knows them.rare stuff is always good. bands that have sold-out and therefore must be hated are e.i. Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir. True black metal is Norwegian.
fans of black metal tend to have no sense of humour or selfirony and are certainly NOT tolerant. they will give any entry that gives a negative or humorous view of black metal and its listeners a "thumb down".

untrue whimp hearing a black metal song:
"oh, that's a nice melody... very symphonic!"
the vocals start:
"kraaahgrfggrrr kzzzrrgrrkprr tzzzgrrsaaaaataaaaaaangrrshrrzzz...."
untrue whimp:"that's crap."

"Black Metal is War!"

by icandoitbetter March 26, 2005

185๐Ÿ‘ 209๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black metal

see 1349. New TRUE Norwegian Black Metal.

1349, Carpathian Forest, and Naglfar are all great BM bands.

by 1349 Fan February 28, 2005

73๐Ÿ‘ 80๐Ÿ‘Ž

black metal

Sub-genre of heavy metal that was developed throughout the 80s and early 90s. Venom's 1982 release, "Black Metal," is responsible for coining the term. The LP was full of Satanic camp, sloppy playing and raw production, as well as singer Cronos's growled vocals. By 1983, Hellhammer had formed and played an even more minimal style than Venom. As they matured, they changed their name to Celtic Frost and would eventually become known for transcending several extreme styles, including thrash metal, black metal, death metal and doom metal.

Bathory is perhaps the most notable black metal group from the 80s. The first three albums ("Bathory," "The Return," and "Under the Sign of the Black Mark) provided the listener with buzzsaw guitars, low fidelity production, shrieked vocals and simplistic phrasing, making Venom seem tame in comparison. By the end of the decade, frontman Quorthon had taken the sound into a "viking metal" direction, slowing down the tempo and distancing itself from Satanic overtones.

There were other groups in the 80s that were influential to black metal, including the thrashy sound of Sodom, the Venom-esque aggression of Italy's Bulldozer and the traditional sound of Mercyful fate, whose frontman King Diamond was among the first to wear the Kiss-like makeup that has become known as "corpse paint."

In the early 1990s, Norway would be primarily responsible for the development of second wave black metal. A number of musicians who felt that death metal had become stagnant decided to separate themselves from the flock by paying tribute to 80s black metal while establishing new ideas for the young genre. Darkthrone, Burzum, Mayhem, Emperor, Immortal, Enslaved and Satyircon all began releasing albums that, while individually unique, had many of the same elements. This included extensive use of tremolo picking, open string playing, standard tuning, shrieked vocals, and lyrics focused on occultist themes. Additionally, pinch harmonics and palm muting were rarely heard. Several of these musicians were also known for burning down Norwegian churches, perhaps as a way of protesting the prominence of Christianity in the area. Another controversial element of black metal were groups such as Absurd and Graveland, who had National Socialist leanings.

Outside of Norway were a number of influential groups, such as Dark Funeral, Beherit, Impaled Nazerine, and Behemoth. Other groups such as Mystifier, Archgoat and Belphegor, successfully combined black and death metal. Other fusions include ambient black metal (early Burzum, Blut Aus Nord) and folk metal (Finntroll, Korpiklaani). And much like melodic death metal, there is also a melodic branch of black metal (Graveworm, Rotting Christ, Dimmu Borgir). Recently, groups such as Forgotten Tomb and Amesoeurs combine shoegaze/emo with black metal, an unlikely combination, perhaps a reflection of black metal's occasional commercial appeal.

Darkthrone is the most well known black metal band, releasing several influential albums throughout the 1990s before leaning towards a punk inspired style.

by PugFuglies July 13, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black Metal

Music which started off with Venom, but then a bunch of Norweigans heard it and totally failed to get the joke... Cue much church burning, murder and hilarity!

Mayhem, Emperor, Darkthrone, Burzum, etc...

by Stefanael March 8, 2005

84๐Ÿ‘ 120๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black Metal

A musical genre inspired by death metal and heavy metal, and pioneered by sucky-ass bands like Venom.

Generally split up into several subgenres like Depressive black metal, Raw black metal, Blackened death metal, Drone metal and Pure black metal.

Depressive black metal tends to derive influence from ambience and suicide, with bands like Xasthur, Burzum, Hate Forest and Be Persecuted, who tend to structure their songs around misanthropy and depression.

Raw black metal was formed as a bulwark against recent black metal trends, which threaten to make it a mainstream genre. Vlad Tepes, Grand Belial's Key and Peste Noire are two of the major bands of this subgenre, which emphasizes purposely low production quality to keep the music from ever being able to be mainstream.

Blackened death metal is a fusion subgenre of death and black metal, with bands like Behemoth which mix traditional death metal style with lyrics and titles from black metal, typically.

Drone metal, with bands such as Sunno ))) and Boris tends to be more ambient than black, wich a mix of antireligious lyrics/titles and purely instrumental, paganistic form.

Pure black metal, (which is becoming rarer as the genre approaches mainstream quality,) with bands like Nargaroth and Marduk, tends to have stereotypically antichristian/ antireligious titles and lyrics, as well as a structure exceeding death metal in intensity. Most early black metal falls into this category, but most early black metal could also pass as raw black metal as well.

Christ Raping Black Metal!

by Styxhexenhammer August 29, 2009

30๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž