Source Code

buttock exception

The act of excepting or excluding the buttock(s) from legal definitions of battery or criminal sexual conduct.

See, 609.3451 CRIMINAL SEXUAL CONDUCT IN THE FIFTH DEGREE "For purposes of this section, "sexual contact" has the meaning given in section 609.341, subdivision 11, paragraph (a), clauses (i), (iv), and (v), but does not include the intentional touching of the clothing covering the immediate area of the buttocks."

Senator Al Franken is not guilty of criminal sexual conduct when he grabs ass because "the immediate area of the buttocks" is excepted by definition in the relevant criminal statute..you know...the buttock exception. He's just a a dirty old creep.

by bird lawyer November 26, 2017


Polite way of saying half-assed

This is really semi-buttocked work, Bob. We expect more of you.

by Bumpyjonas April 11, 2017

buttocks guitar

a guitar with buttocks, like the acoustic Jazzerette guitar from Zbiggy Smith: The Belgian Buttocks guitar.

Show me your buttocks guitar.

by Smoke Bosvogel January 19, 2008

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buttock buccaneer

a male homosexual, some one who likes to attack and plunder other men's rears

That Elton John is a well-known buttock buccaneer

by TheBigM August 20, 2008

buttock juice

When taking a shit,it hits the water,and splashes up right on your hole and gives you a tingley feeling for a brief second

" Don said he just took a shit,and got some buttock juice for his efforts "

by kahuna66 May 10, 2009

21👍 5👎

deceased buttocks

Deceased buttocks is slang for “seriously.” That is, no kidding, for real, we’re deceased buttocks not lying to you.

Note that it’s often used in more professional settings rather than the similar slang “deadass

Deceased buttocks, straight facts sir

by Rushuponme March 22, 2023

Buttock Idiot

A squint eyed fool that thinks he's a musician and an artist but isn't either of those things

Father: Did you enjoy that music?

Son: No, he's a buttock idiot

by skydivingasswolf August 29, 2022