Source Code

chum chums

1.The female private area. 2. the dudes anal area

1."Yo i was in da yard rite and den i bent down and dis nigga tried to take my fuckin chum chums son."

by Choe April 27, 2006

13πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

chum chum

fat or chubbiness

That boys gotta little chum chum on him

by DA BOY Nizzle April 28, 2003

23πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Chum chum

Chum chum basically means banana. It's a social experiment to see if we can create new meaning to a word by Hank Green from Crash course on youtube.

The chum chum I bought last week is so delicous.
Not all chum chums are yellow.
My girlfriend likes chum chum.

by PirateKingPhoenix July 6, 2017

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


verb. to chit chat or talk friendly with another person.
also to mingle in a crowd, to kind of suck up (brown nose) with another. Usually at awkward church functions.

"Hey, where have you been?"
"I was over there chum-chumming with the Smiths. They are so weird."

by toasterheadtil September 17, 2008

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Noun. 1.a good friend, pal, or buddy..chummy.adj. to be friendly.
2.Shark bait composed of unwanted or useless fish parts. chummed; chummer; chumming; ect.
3.SLANG.Semen or sebum see also "smegma".

1.n."They are old chums"
adj."They are acting chummy"
2."I saw a chummer chumming with chum, he chummed all day"
3."Suck my chum!"

by Sullen January 25, 2004

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chum it

When you don’t want someone to speak

Big tilly... fucking chum it bitch

by JillyBigTilly November 18, 2019


Burnt out, tired, wasted, or just not motivated to do anything.

My friends wanted to me to go hiking but after snowboarding the previous day I was way to chummed for that.

After drinking way too much the night before I was so chummed I just hung out on the couch most of the day.

by Brf June 19, 2006

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