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Something that just makes your body tense up and then release. You hear or see it, and immediately it is defected by your body.

Keyshawn: *living his life*
Me: Keyshawn is so cringey

by Waterlily23124 November 8, 2019


The definition of cringe is when something so gruesome and ugly happenes and your face crinkles up.

I cringed when Kate posted weird pictures on Instagram and dances. Cringey

by Jake and the neverland pirates July 9, 2018


The feeling you get when you see desperate insecure people trying to be sexy on social media and wondering why their love life is in shambles.

I watched this poor unfortunate soul on tik tok and they were so cringey…..

by ladyoclass November 3, 2021


Something that causes embarrassment to look at, but you kind of can’t stop watching at the same time. Can Alain be funny sometimes.

My teacher dabbed today, it was cringey.
Tik Toks are cringey.
Donald Trump around kids = cringey.

by sporksstabsstork January 23, 2019


A girl who who's last name is Johnson and her first name starts with Abi.

Abigail Johnson is fucking cringey

by Professor Smart May 18, 2018

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When you don't enjoy someone's content on social media

Bill is cringey

by Angela09876 January 15, 2017

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Cringey (adjective):

Something evoking intense displeasure and annoyance.

"That video is cringey".

by iEatElders March 28, 2018

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