Noun- a thing hotter than sky valley sriracha sauce but colder than dry ice. Wait what's colder than dry ice? An old crones warning. When your partner fills their mouth with sriracha and uses their mouth to force it down your dick hole so that you #feeltheFUCKINGBURN!!!
Bro 1: Hey bro, guess what? I got my partner to perform the Old Crone's Warning on me last night in bed.
Bro 2: Aw sick man, how was it??
Bro 1: Dude, the old crone definitly warned about it for a reason.
Girl: how did that old crone's warning feel baby?
Guy: GHjHgGuJiIGfFfFUiwkkejejsusyegehdhdueheshuahHggHjkajsbsh!!!!!!!!!!!! FFFFFfUUUuUuUuUuCCcCcCcJkKkKkKk!!!!!! sriracha
A man under 50 on the hunt for an older woman.
That Trophy Crone Tiger, loves that she can pay their own way.
The skin that comes off an elderly person. Usually caused by dry aging skin and poor hygiene.
That old guy left crone flakes all over the chair he was sitting in.
Someone who is infected with the Covid-19 Omicron variant.
I wonder how many of my friends in Norway are ‘croning at present?
An irritation/inflammation-based affliction of the ears and stomach caused by watching too many Neil Crone movies.
I should have known better than to binge-watch The Ridonculous Race --- hearing Dwayne's nasally prattle for eight hours straight has given me a major case of Crone's disease.
men and women that are undoubtedly trapped by {crones} "weird ass doods"*
A woman who is considered very old, withered, and/or ugly. However this is not always the case, there are also other definitions for the word crone.
My sister showed me a picture of a hideous crone from her book.