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dairy hangers

Massive floppy fat tits on a fat middle-aged woman.

That old slag loves blokes looking at her Dairy Hangers

by Emma_bites February 11, 2007

50๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dairy Smorgasbord

When you take a week to a month to ripen your fumunda cheese and while recieving head, the girl eats the cheese while jacking you off and washes the cheese down with your cum.


The dsb
"The Smorg"
Head 2.0

cool kid 1: Yo cool kid 2! What you do last night?

cool kid 2: Oh hey cool kid 1, chris' mom came over and i gave her a Dairy Smorgasbord.

cool kid 1: dsb's are the tits.

by Tushar Agarwal March 14, 2009

90๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dairy mistress

When dating a vegan, you're likely to not eat animal products when eating dinner with them. However, you likely eat animal products when at dinner with a friend(s) who is not vegan, and this friend(s) is/are your dairy mistress(es).

If your partner is vegetarian, the friend(s) would be a meat mistress(es).

Bob: Dude, I totally couldn't eat this grilled cheese if Susan was here; she became a vegan 6 months before we started dating. You're so my dairy mistress.

by TwistedColorArrangement September 13, 2012

Dairy Smorgasbord

When you go a week without washing your balls then make a girl eat your fumunda cheese while jacking you off. You then cum in her mouth so she can wash down the cheese

Dude, Wisdom just gave that chick a Dairy Smorgasbord last night.

by Wisdom Orji February 4, 2009

196๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dairy Queef

A female who is sort of trashy.

the kind of girl who would make a
loud juicy stinky queef then roll up the windows
and laugh about it

the kind of girl who stirs the kool aid with her fist, licks mayonnaise off her spoon straight out of the jar, and might possibly put sour cream in the guacamole to make it 'creamier'

That girl looks like a Dairy Queef, maybe you should go hit on someone else.

That girl should be 'DQ'd' for looking like a "Dairy Queef"

"Did that nasty moist queef sound come from that nasty trashy girl over there?"

"Yeah, that Dairy Queef over there did it"


by fresh margarita December 6, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dairy Explosion

When you are lactose intolerant and have dairy


by Yeeemu November 3, 2019

Dairy Chez

A young males 1st growth of a moustache.

Wow dude check out Bradly's Dairy Chez, it's coming along nicely.

by AranO January 25, 2008