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a term politicians may use in the event of an emergency.

reporter: "President bush why are americans going to war - oh I beg your pardon -I meant pre-emptive strike- with iraq if a 87% majority of american citizens do not condone the act?

bush: ..uh...um...democracy! yo mama! thats right, you heard me. democracy biatch.

by chris wango November 19, 2005

78๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


What America isn't.

"We're a fucking republic, not a democracy."

by devilzukin December 4, 2003

149๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž


Taken from the Greek 'demos' and 'kratos' ('people' and 'power' respectively), it refers to the system of government in which the entire population effectively rules through a concentrated body which relies on the population's opinion as a source for its policies.

The French Revolution was sparked by ideals of liberty and democracy for all.

by RyanM January 3, 2004

243๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž


Democracy is a system of government that doesn't work and will probably fail altogether within the next few decades.
1. The majority of the electorate tend to be idiots who will elect an idiot.
2. The majority of the electorate tend to be selfish morons that would elect Hitler if he lowered their taxes.
3. Politicians use pathetic, small-minded catchphrases that mean very little, eg. 'hug a hoodie' or 'for the family.' Mr Idiot, the average voter, however, votes on the basis of these.
4. The rich and powerful form a better connected, private-school educated elite who are far more easily able to take office.
5. In America, leaders take ordinary words and add '-ism', 'mis-' so that Jimmy Redneck with his shotgun thinks that they're using 'big werds' and are therefore smart. Eg, 'they misunderestimated me'
6. In America and elsewhere, policy is over-rided by how bigger fan of 'Jeezus' or 'Gawd' a person is, forcing intelligent politicians to do lip-service to religion, and allowing fundamentalist scum to rise into office.
7. Politicians will always be able to whip up the masses to do their bidding at the expense of civil liberties by citing a common enemy, real or imagined. Eg. The war on terror.

Democracy in action;-
Politician;- 'I believe in the power of prayer, and not to defamilarise ourselves with the misinformation of terrorists. Family First!'
Jimmy Redneck;- Dang I'll vote for that guy, he's usin' thems big werds like an intellesuel, and he's got gawd on his side! Yeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwh!

by Niccolo Machiavelli December 3, 2007

29๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


Mob rule.

Works in theory, fails in practice.

The government never really cares about the opinions of the people who support it anyway.

by AYB April 4, 2003

90๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


A failing system of government, which like communism works in principle but fails in practice.
ALL democracies end up serving the needs of rich interest groups and detach themselves from the populous. which inturn results in the majority of the people being governed by a minority.

The current UK and US governments are both cases where a minority vote has put a leader into power against the wishes of the majority.

by black flag June 6, 2004

398๐Ÿ‘ 208๐Ÿ‘Ž


A form of government in which all citizens vote on issues that face the nation. The first true democracy was in the Greek isles. Though they where a strong nation they where easily defeated by the Romen empire because they where spread apart and information traveled slowly.
A true democracy couldnt work in the past because of the slow travel of information, but in the present day the internet could be used.

PLEASE NOTE: The United States Of America is not a Democracy, it is a Republic.

Ancient Greece was a Democracy.

The United States is not a Democracy, it is a Republic like ancient Rome.

by Ice Cold Anarchy January 19, 2006

39๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž