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agree to disagree

What many people who submit entries to this site need to do.

Especially people who submit definitions for bands.

by King Tomo April 21, 2005

109πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž

Agree to disagree

1) verb: When multiple parties accord that they have/will not reconcile(d) a dispute.

2) verb: What many urbandictionary.com users have done in reference to another user's definition of 'agree to disagree'.

1) If people with leftist views agree to disagree with the views of right-wingers, and vice versa, I'm not too sure they will have anything to talk about.

2) 954 thumbs up to 3669 down?? I'd say that most people will agree to disagree with Calvin the Great, wouldn't you?

by Chief Running Brain May 19, 2009

34πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

agree to disagree

To disagree, with the significant stipulation that the speaker will not attempt to change their mind of the listener.

On that point, we agree to disagree.

by patsw May 16, 2009

28πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

agree to disagree

An argument that one throws out in a debatable situation when they are tired of arguing, and do not want to admit that they are wrong, and the opposing view may be right.

Guy 1: God does not exist.
Guy 2: How do you know?
Guy 1: Because there is proof of such.
Guy 2: So in order for you to make this claim then you must have absolute proof that proof exist to disprove the existence of God.
Guy 1: Yes
Guy 2: Then you you must be God.
Guy 1: No, God does not exist.
Guy 2: but in order for you to say you have absolute proof to disprove the existence of God you must be omnipresent and all knowing to make such a claim. Are you any of those?
Guy 1: Well I just think that we should agree to disagree then.

by swillia9 November 4, 2011

12πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

agree to disagree

when you've been arguing, get nowhere and no-one yields their view, and you don't want to waste any more time..

'Dylan's lyrics are the greatest..'

'You mean Leonard Cohen's ?...'

'Oh we've been there before.. let's agree to disagree, and go get a Cokesi..'

by mikroth May 16, 2009

16πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

agree to disagree

Used when one wants to reject the objective reality of the situation and hopefully replace it with their own.

"Do you have any chocolate milk?"
"Agree to disagree."


"I'm here for make your own food Monday's."
"Uh, sir we never had a make your own food Monday."
"Agree to disagree."

by Calvin the Great February 6, 2006

2210πŸ‘ 7642πŸ‘Ž

agree to disagree

Well-mannered response to an unpersuasive antagonist.

I argued that the 1346ΒΊF temps of the WTC 7 debris pile 5 days after 9/11 (documented by USGS from AVIRIS remote sensing data) could only be generated by thermite or thermate. Especially when NIST acknowledged in their final report of 11/08 that WTC 7 office fires burned out in 20 minutes in any given location. When the "debunker" proceeded to eloquently thank me for being a douchebag fucktard anal scab, I politely decided to quit wasting my keystrokes and agree to disagree.

by undiesinabunch May 16, 2009

13πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž