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A terrible company which portrays false happiness to the minds of ignorant morons. Over pricing their services and souvenirs as well as dictating the lives of their cast members. The only way to get promoted is if you are sleeping with a superior or if one is gay. Excellent at marketing and brain washing children while embedding messages in their young minds. Like That high school is all fun and games, while the worst thing that can happen is to argue with a classmate and sing a song about it. Also the location where co-workers are your "friends" up until when you leave.

-May also be used to describe a dirty tramp.

That whore house is so disney.

Dude, that shirt makes you look Disney.

These disney people are so fake.

-That girl is so Disney, i wonder how many STD's she has

by viperstriker October 20, 2011

25๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Adjective for mindless, soulless, heartless corporate manufactured puppets used to influence the minds of pre teen boys and girls towards faux pseudo Christian ethics. Also describes someone who sings horribly and wears incredibly fake tans simply to capitalize on media attention and therefore, lots of cash!

That whore be so Disney!

by Kelise27 April 18, 2009

115๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


A film company started by Walt Disney. Their first memorable movie was probably Snow White. They have been known to make wonderful movies but now their movies don't deal with problems, just boys and appearances etc. The 90s were known as the Golden Age of Disney, with such classics like 'The Lion King' and 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'. But now, their movies suck and are a disgrace to the Disney name.

Person A: Dude, wasn't Disney so much better in the 90s?

Person B: Yeah, now it's just Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers, and they suck!

Person A: Yeah! I wish Classic Disney was back!!

by LilMissMyrnin November 27, 2010

41๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Disney is the wonderful characters, stories, and movies written by a man named Walt Disney. Stories that educate children into right decisions and entertain kids with the comedy, adventure put into the stories. Disney ISN'T about Hannah Montana and how hard it must be for a girl to live two different lives - as a blond 'superstar' and a average teen girl. Whatever happened to the Little Mermaid, the classic songs, and children classic songs.
Well they've been replaced with the Jonas Brothers.
I know he isn't alive to make more, but the least they can do is make more movies/shows the way he wanted, instead of introducing fake blonds, boy bands, and pathetic shows that teach children absolutely nothing useful.

-Mickey Mouse
-Bugs Bunny
-Little Mermaid
-Pirates of the Carribean
-Peter Pan
-Snow White
-Disney Recess
And other fairy tales and stories that teach lessons and were made by Walt Disney/Follow his imagination.

by Jaseline January 17, 2009

290๐Ÿ‘ 103๐Ÿ‘Ž


A conspiracy.

A: My friend told me that there was a secret organization trying to take control of modern society.

B: Oh, you mean Disney?

by Conspiracy Cracker September 10, 2009

63๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


The Place You NEVER want to work or intern.
They over work you for almost no pay. Supervisors think they own you. And your basically a slave to a mouse.
Its way too hot to work outside and little kids scream and cry and beat you up when their parents aren't looking. Interns have to work like dogs and have TONS of unnecessary rules.
Disney is a vacation place, not a working place. Not such a happy place when you work there.

boy 1: I work at Disney World..
boy 2: COOL! I want to work at Disney World! sounds fun
boy 1: No!!!! don't do it you will ruin your life....FOREVER!!!!

by DisneySlave April 3, 2009

112๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


todays modern slutt factory, producing plenty of anorexic conceded whores thats dumb teenage girls and fruity boys look up to.

gosh man onother disney movie! fuck! im tired of seing anorexix skanks in distress!
put mtv on. nevermind that's gay too.

by juancarlos January 11, 2006

1571๐Ÿ‘ 656๐Ÿ‘Ž