An annoying dumb fuck chick playing online games (normally Overwatch or League of Legends) that gets carried by someone above her own skill level and thinks she’s better than she really is. Normally you can identify them when they blame everyone but herself when games aren’t going a right way
“Why are you all so bad?!?!?!?!”
“Shut up you esports whore”
Worlds best Organisation. Founded by the best Radiant Player in Valorant of all regions A.K.A "Nigo"
Betting on video game matches either with virtual items that have a value or real money.
Counter strike player winning an esports bet: ez skins ez life
*esports betting*
Moist Esports refers to the greatest esports team in history. Founded by Moist Cr1tikal, the pussy slayer himself. moist esports always dominates the competition.
4👍 1👎
it is the meaning of life{
Mystic Esports is my way of living
A Tier 69 clan lost against SGod B-Team in a tournament 13-9. Timeless esports is led by Dom🦋
#9999 and is dropping the casuals later on. Dom is the IGL for the team mainly for the B team and can sometimes give good callouts depending on the map. Dom said in quote "In order to take this Team to the next level at for the tier 2 stage I will be dropping all of our members and keeping the main team and 6 casuals those 6 casuals will be the best out of the b team." Thus, this clan can move up as Tier 62.
Dom made some accomplishments in his career. He and his team won its first tournament as a champion of Season 1 defeating AK (Arcane Knights). This tournament is called 'Iconic Tournament Season 1'. Won again in a different tournament called 'Xecution Tournament' climbing to the finals and defeating AK again after folding 8-12 in Game 2.
"Ayo Dom, hows Timeless esports?"
"Pretty good cuh"
A camwhore whose only role in competitive gaming is to distract the opposing team by flashing her boobs before them.
Emmadorable:"Hey boys, wanna play with me? I am an eSports Cheerleader!"
Gamers: 'Shut Up! You're distracting us!"* throws table*
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