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A boy who is gonna lose his virginity by 12

I just pulled an ever

by uglybitch_356 October 16, 2019

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


3 words super tiny dick usually in the size of 0.6 cm and usually likes a girl named nataly

Did you know that Ever has a tiny cock

by Ieull February 15, 2019

5πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


the shy girl. she watches her friends and wishes she was pretty. only trusts her family and a couple friends. loves every tv show she watches and cries for every one. but she has to be brave and strong for her friends. she hopes to have an amazing life

see the one in the back, i bet she’s ever

by elephantmama67 July 13, 2020

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Prounounced; (EE-VU-RRS)

Definition; Basically means what EVERS between her legs he’ll eat it!

That Evers boy always at that girls damn house fuckin Evers!

by Drako eperstien November 7, 2019

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

no care ever

An expression of disinterest, as popularized by the Lambgoat.com message and news boards. Further popularized in Skynet, by The Acacia Strain.

Samael forced to sit out Moonspell tour
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

timxantihero - first post. no care ever.
composed - meshuggah did it.

by malarky2020 September 22, 2009

67πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Ever Given

A "Plus size" Turd that refuses to flush.

"FFS, Who's parked an Ever Given in the Suez again?

by Cody Curmudgeon March 27, 2021


Like any other metro-society, there are typical phenominons which dominate the landscape. In our locale (the city of Everett, Wa) where women are large and men dream of meeting a size 6 or more slimmer... We take Everett and elephant come up with Ever-phant. This can be applied in your town with some immagination.

1st dude "Chick just bought you a drink." 2nd dude " Man, you drink it! She's just another Ever-phant wanting a ride on my Harley. The shocks won't take it!"

by waaaaat? May 1, 2011