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Please Explain

A phrase used by authority when the proverbial s**t has hit the fan/someone has done something really stupid and the responsible party/scapegoat is being called to answer and take liability for their actions (also known as getting a boot up the backside).

There have been reports of abusive language in front of customers, and management has asked for a Please Explain.

by Fascist Grammar January 13, 2012

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Menstrator Explainer

Anyone who starts spewing menstrual facts but has no idea wtf they are talking about

You ever hear a man talking like he knows periods ? Fucken overrated Menstrator Explainers, please.

by ThornyRose December 23, 2020

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over explainer

One who tends to give too much information while telling a story. Often leads to other stories that have nothing to do with the original topic. The person then, at some point, loops back around to the original story and forgot what he was saying.

When spotted out to lunch with a woman, whom was not his wife, John went into over explainer mode.

John: Oh...hey guys, this is my niece, Mary. I just met her for lunch here because my wife asked me to give her something. Oh I know this place is kind of out of the way but we met here because she'd never been here before and she just graduated and uh, I normally don't go to lunch with other women but...

by heatherindallas October 15, 2007

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explain in _ terms

explain in {game or anime name} terms is a new meme on tiktok where you say how i could have it my brother and put a weak thing, how i hit him and put a stronger thing, how he described it to my dad and put an even stronger thing, and how my dad is gonna hit me and put the strongest thing in the game.

oh i it my friend lightly and he said it killed him
explain in minecraft terms (explain in _ terms)

i hit my friend like a wooden hoe and he discribed it like an enchanted netherite axe

by spoto answers wierd shit June 25, 2022

explaining to a woman

Something men simply cannot do, ever.

"I tried explaining to a woman that her bag was open but she told me to shut the fuck up and keep walking the other way"

by WrongfulDivider April 18, 2017

explaining tool

commonly a baseball bat; possibly any club type item.

He's so stupid I had to use an explaining tool on him.

by oaiolds October 30, 2008

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Explain the Giraffe

To masturbate or pleasure yourself sexually. Can also be assigned to a person. Explain my/your/his/her/etc giraffe.

Jerk off, Whack off, Wank, handjob

-CF, The LLS-

Oh I feel better now, I just explained the giraffe.

by intricatus July 27, 2010

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