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One who chooses to use facebook status updates for negative comments instead on positive ones.

I had to remove my friend from my facebook updates, she's such a facebitch.

by pmarcotte December 23, 2011

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Someone who constantly updates their Facebook status with complaints and disgruntlement about life, boyfriend/girlfriend, work, school,etc, etc.

Mike-"Shari is complaining about her boyfriend on Facebook...again."
David-"Yeah I saw, she such a Facebitcher."

by Dr. Douche March 7, 2012

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a facebitch can be one of the following things:

1. one of your many bitches, male or female, who happen to have a facebook account

2. your online bitch, male or female, because there is no interaction of any sort in person


3. a douchnozzle who uses formspring to talk shit while anonymous because they don't have the balls to say it in person

Jeff: Dude, Bridgette told me she would defintely give me a blowjob when i was facebook chatting her!

Bill: Oh, so she's your facebitch.

Jeff: Damn right she is!

Tommy: Hey Sam, who was that person who said your girl was ugly and that he fucked your mom?

Sam: No idea, he was using formspring like the facebitch he is.

by /b/tard's /b/rother July 19, 2010

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n. A female who spends an inordinate amount of time on social networking websites; especially one who then complains about not having enough time in real life.

"Jane constantly whines about being disorganized. She's always late, she never finishes her school assignments, and her house is a mess! Why are some people like that?"

"I'll tell you why Jane is like that - she spends so much of her free time on facebook that she's got calluses on her ass! She's a real facebitch."

by tmon January 1, 2009

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A metaphorical bitch-slap to someone with a Facebook wall post or comment.

Wall post: I had two headers in the soccer game today

Comment: That's not the first time you've taken a pair of balls to the face
Comment: facebitch-slap!!!

by Facepimp October 4, 2011

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FACEBITCH; One who actively participates in bitching on multiple Facebook threads, and posts daily.

"NO, rolling the dog over on his back to rub his belly is NOT some form of animal abuse, you silly FACEBITCH. "

by Jason Coolyard December 21, 2015


To go onto your FaceBook and bitch about your life.

My FaceBitch for tonite: Double effin' allergies got me (again)...thank goodness I โ™ฅ my Benadryl

by elnguyen October 29, 2009