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faulty download

A faulty download is when you have downloaded a file, an episode from a TV-serie for example, and you realize that it's either a corrupt file or more presizely downloaded the previous episode when expecting the new episode.

Trying to download ep. 19 of some TV-serie, and getting either corrupt file, or previous/old episode is defined as a "faulty download".

by Martin Mattesen May 27, 2006

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faulty faucet

When a guy thinks that he is done peeing and puts his dick back in his underwear and a few more drops of pee come out, such as a faucet that when you turn off and drops still come out. This can be very uncomfortable for most guys because they have to continue their day feeling the pee on their skin.

John- "Damn it, my fucking faulty faucet is going to make me uncomfortable until lunch is over!"

by Swaggmaster6969 November 19, 2014


Kind of like multitasking, but the person doing the tasks can only perform one at a time. This is completely unintentional. The faulty-tasker truly believes they are being efficient.

Quit faulty-tasking!

by Author1992 September 15, 2019

faulty vibrator

To be surprised, using the euphemism of having one's rear end exposed to electrical current.

"I'm shocking your ass like a faulty vibrator." - Bomb The Bass.


"Man, when I found out Britney Spears wasn't a virgin it shocked my ass like a faulty vibrator."

by LordWatson July 12, 2003

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Faulty Fuel Pump

The act of somebody defecating into another person's asshole and after 2 days, they trade. This repeats until a person cannot fit any more in their asshole.

Person 1: Hey, want to play Faulty Fuel Pump?
Person 2: Sure, be prepared to clean up, things are going to get messy.

by CrabFucker69 November 29, 2022

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faulty crop-sprayer

The action your sphincter makes into the bog after a large night `on it`

Jesus my arse this morning after that `ruby`, it was going like a faulty crop-sprayer`!

by Richard Cook March 28, 2003

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faulty crop-sprayer

1)In North by Northwest, the plane giving Cary Grant a hard time.

2)A prostate that no longer functions

"Get that there piece o shit out of my barn."

by Hung-Lo May 2, 2003

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