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Fat and broke, often attributed to a place with cheaper goods and better food.

If I lived in the U.S. I'd be froke for sure.

by globalwanderer22 January 8, 2025


The verb tense of frick. Not to be confused with fricking.

"You froke me for the last time Tom"

by GlobleGloble November 22, 2018


A frozen coke, preferably from maccas

A froke and a durry is a good combo

by Cod7 May 4, 2024


The actual correct past tense of to freak.

That totes froke me dude!

Yuh, Kadin's obsession with the Eulerian ration of o's to f's in oof frokes me out too!

by Kylily October 23, 2018


The past tense of freak

You froke me out.

by FresnoNightcrawler October 6, 2018


the act of exessively masturbating whilst operating a motor vehicle, often occuring in a accident.

I saw this guy froking on the highway today, and he ran off the side of the road!

by ahrrystyles March 23, 2016


When you jack off with no hands using only your foreskin (you have total control over your foreskin and you can make it move on its own)

Hey dude we should start froking together”

Hell yeah!”

by Hinklyskinkly May 24, 2024