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word gestapo

a merciless word police who comes up to you to give you a very hard time and give evil looks everytime you use words like "gay", "raped", or esp. "retarded". apparently these words are very offensive to this person although this person constantly uses other derogatory terms.

person: "katie...you are such a fucking gay retard!"
katie: "what!? what!?....what!?...what did you say?"
person: "fucking gay retard?"
katie: "retard!? that's offensive to people with mental disabilities!"
person: "uh...yea?"
katie: "you know what!? go fucking screw yourself you fucking cunt!...punk!"
person: "you're such a fucking word gestapo.."

by jon hu April 6, 2006

22πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Golf Gestapo

In the world's best sport aka Golf, the Golf Gestapo is an overzealous Starter or Course Marshal. They'll harass you over arriving early, bitch for wanting seperate carts, micromanage your scramble, search your gear for hidden beer, or any number of things that make them feel like they have some power in life. The word was famously coined from the comedic duo M.B. & T.M. at Hodge Park in Kansas City Missouri

*Us coming out of the club house*
Starter: "Hey I need to see your receipt!"

M.B.: "Our receipt? We literally just walked in and out to pay for our round. Why in the hell do you need to see our receipt?"

Starter: "I want to verify that you paid for the round and the carts. Without a receipt you can't play."

M.B.: "What are you the Golf Gestapo? We play here weekly and have never dealt with this. Ask Bill over there and he'll tell you to pound rocks. We're not showing you a damn receipt."

Starter: "Receipt or no play."

M.B.: "Jawohl!"

by WalterWWhite December 13, 2022

Gestapo Garage

An early-'40's-era Deutschland-based facility staffed by highly-skilled SS agents who could magically and instantly get a car to run and perform perfectly with just a simple touch. Just ask Baron von Trapp, who personally witnessed the group's miraculous mechanical-capabilities after he and his family unexpectedly encountered said group while they were pushing their automobile out of their driveway, and --- at his supervisor's command to "repair Herr von Trapp's car, so that it will start"--- one of the agents easily fired up the car's motor on the first try.

The Gestapo Garage may indeed have been exceptionally adept at making seemingly-disabled vehicles start up and operate perfectly, but the problem was that they tended to show up without your ever having sent for them, and performing "repairs" that you'd just as soon not have had done at that particular time.

by QuacksO June 12, 2019

Birkenstock Gestapo

Term used in reference to a group of stereotypical, postmodern hippy-wannabes.

Not to be confused with true, original, peaceful hippies of the 1960s, this modern day self-proclaimed socially conscious group often have extremely aggressive, militant views and attitudes, and will resort to physical measures during the course of their unwarranted, misdirected "peaceful protests".

Readily identified by their stereotypical, common choice of footware (see, Birkenstocks), members of this social classification can be found wherever protests are being held, regardless of how valid the cause may be.

see also Hipptards.

QFT (in Berkeley, California):

Birkenstock Gestapo: "A guy who has just moved here from Nigeria and became a US Citizen can't be called an African American because his ancestors weren't slaves."

Me: "WTF?!"

Birkenstock Gestapo: "Why do you hate so much?"

Me (confused as all hell): "Erm... What are you talking about? Then, *mocking*:Dude, Why don't you stop swimmin' at the bottom of the bong, man."

Birkenstock Gestapo: "Nazi" *snarls*

Me: /facepalm *walks away laughing*

by razed October 17, 2007

11πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

gestapo tactics

When a protester or activist from a perceived as left-leaning organization asks a reporter to turn off his camera. Not to be confused with using deep subterfuge to infiltrate an organization, filming a conversation using a hidden camera, releasing clips of said video without proper context used by a fake news network to inflame members of Congress to withhold funding for infrastructure or doing necessary government business unrelated to the misrepresented organization.

Bill O’Reilly teed off on the growing Black Lives Matter movement on Wednesday, and accused the group of trying to intimidate reporters with β€œgestapo tactics.” Source: www.thewrap.com/bill-oreilly-thinks-black-lives-matter-pulling-radical-gestapo-tactics-says-hes-covered-black-murder-the-most-video/

by stapler34 July 30, 2015

13πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Fun gestapo

A group of goody two shoes who ruin EVERYTHING fun.

jimmy *stop playing bulldog the fun gestapo are here*
tom*oh know they are getting the teacher*

by The game chat annoyance. November 27, 2016

6πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

vaginal gestapo

The vaginal gestapo are a group of women in a work or school setting who subscribe to the belief that they are better or smarter than the men around them. Because of the intelligence and wisdom vested in them by the power of their thundery vaginas, the vaginal gestapo believe that the men around them should do their bidding.

Greg (talking on the phone): What's that screeching in the background, man? Do you need to get off the phone?

James: Don't sweat it. It's just the vaginal gestapo trying to volunteer me for extra work.

Greg: Dude, fuck that shit. Tell those bitches to do their own job.

by Bructus January 23, 2011

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